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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Face masks are a great way to relax after a long day and give your skin a treat! There are so many face masks out there so we made a list of our favorites to narrow down your options! 


Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque 

This is great to use once a week to get all of the dirt and oil out of your pores. It leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. 


Asarai Australian Red Clay Brightening/Detox Mask 

Your face may look like a brick wall with this mask and leave your skin messy but it is all worth it! The next morning, you will notice a clearer complexion and softer skin. 


Glam Glow Bubblesheet Oxygenating Deep Cleanse Mask 

This mask is great in a time crunch because you only have to leave it on for 3 minutes! It bubbles up to fully clean your face. 


Clinique Pep-Start Double Bubble Purifying Mask 

If you have ever ate Pop Rocks, this mask may feel like Pop Rocks on your face. It can be a weird feeling but we love it anyway! This is another mask that you only have to keep on for a few minutes. 


Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask 

This mask is a very thick cream that you rub into your skin and keep on overnight. When you wake up, your skin will feel very soft and not oily. It is great to use in the wintertime! 

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Kim Flynn

Bryant '19

Fan of puppies and Starbucks. Avid koozie collector. You can usually find me with my shoe untied.