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Are You In A Poisonous Relationship?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Toby Simon said, “It always amazes me when I ask a large group of students to raise their hands if they know someone who they think is in an unhealthy relationship.  Most of the students raise their hands.  So it’s all around us.  Students are accustomed to seeing these unhealthy relationships and even on occasion, trying to intervene to help a friend.  So our students can clearly articulate what they see as healthy relationships and usually know some warning signs to watch out for.  But whether or not they recognize or can acknowledge that they too, might be in one that’s not healthy, is another matter.  Denial is the biggest factor in getting someone to even admit things are not going well.  We tend to confuse things like manipulation, verbal abuse, and control with love.  It’s not!!  Love is not supposed to hurt.  Clearly putting that knowledge in to practice to get out of an unhealthy relationship is really really tough.”

Love is supposed to be fun, simple, and comforting.  It’s easy for some to fall head over heels for the bad guy, get tricked into a bad situation, or feel bad about the way we are treated.  It’s also easy for some to not do a single thing about it.  



Partner Violence

Abused Men

Domestic Violence

Jessica is a senior at Bryant University where she is majoring in management and double minoring in marketing and communication.  She holds the position as Editor-In-Chief of Her Campus Bryant and was actually one of the first founding members!  Beyond Her Campus Bryant, she is the Vice President of the Bryant Marketing Association and a MyPath Mentor.  She loves working at the Amica Center for Career Education where she manages their marketing and social media efforts but also enjoys her time at the Hassenfeld Institute for Public Leadership and the school's bookstore. When at home in Connecticut, she loves to watch movies with her family, play with her dog, have bonfires with friends, sleepovers with her sister, and scrapbook! Jessica aspires to one day manage her own department of a fortune 500 company, or even run her own company with a little bit of writing on the side!  Upon graduating this coming May, she will jump-start her career at EMC as a Marketing Development Associate in the Marketing Development Program.