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Are You Hungry…Or Bored?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

It’s the beginning of March, and I know every single one of us is desperately waiting for the spring weather to come. After a long, cold winter, we’ve become bored of just sitting inside. Many of us might be getting our boredom confused with hunger. Depending on your day, you may have a lull of time to yourself. Sitting there with nothing to do may lead you to think you’re hungry. We’ve all done it. Cheetos, 30-second brownies, leftovers from the night before, you get the hang of it. Here are a few tips to figure out if you’re hungry or just simply bored:

1.  Ask yourself if it has been a few hours since you last ate
If it has been over three hours then chances are, you may be hungry. Otherwise, try drinking water before you eat. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Drink an 8 oz. glass of water, wait about 20-30 minutes, and then figure out if you’re still hungry. P.S. coffee and tea do not count because these two beverages dehydrate you!

2.  Postpone the snacks
If you’re craving a snack, and you know you aren’t that hungry, try to wait at least 30 minutes. After time is up, revisit that urge to see if you’re still hungry. If you are, eat a small snack to reduce your risk of having more than you really need.  However, if you’re not still hungry then you basically just saved yourself a few hundred calories…nice!

3.  Chew gum
Chewing gum can actually trick your body into thinking you’re eating since you are chewing and salivating. This could help your body think that you are no longer hungry. Gum can also satisfy your sweet tooth due to the sugars!

When you are hungry

When you are hungry, totally dive in for those foods which you are craving.  Eating some cheetos, a gooey 30-second brownie, and even those chinese leftovers from the night before aren’t as terrible as you think…if you do it seldomly or in small portions that is.  Whipping up a quick fruit smoothie, throwing granola into some yogurt, or making a filling peanut butter and banana sandwhich is all healthy for you and will satisfy those cravings.

Marissa is a sophomore at Bryant University majoring in management and minoring in psychology. She is the Social Media chair at HC, which she absolutely loves! Her favorite past times are baking (esp. chocolate covered pretzels) and exercising. Marissa hopes to work for a large corporation when she graduates in May 2016.