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AOPII Founders: Amy Simonini and Victoria Frazier

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

 (From left to right)

Names:  Amy Simonini and Vicoria Frazier 
Graduation Year: 
A: 2005
V: 2014
A: Bryant MBA, Manaagment
V: Accounting/Legal Studies
A: Indianapolis, Indiana
V: Holden, Massachusetts
On-Campus Activities: 
A: Alpha Omicron Pi Chapter Advisor
V: Alpha Omicron Pi Chapter President, Student Ambassadors, and Student Alumni Association
A: AOPII, swimming, cooking, running, scrapbooking and playing with my kids (3&5 yrs)
V: Shopping, working out, watching baseball, hanging out with friends & family, and who doesn’t love eating?!

The Details
Describe Yourself in 3 Words: 
A: Confident, outgoing, funny
V: Driven, witty, friendly 
Any Secret Talents?
A: Cooking
V: I wish!
Dream Job:
A: Small business owner
V: Forensic Accountant
Pet Peeves:
A: Liars
V: People who stop in the middle of the hallway, excessive Public Displays of Affection, and women (and men alike) who do not know how to dress for their bodies
Bucket List:
A: Travel the world
V: Meet and have lunch with Taylor Swift, travel outside of the United States (I’ve never travelled outside of the country), find a cure for Sceloroderma (my mom’s rare disease), and to make Alpha Omicron Pi a prominent and everlasting sorority at Bryant!
Favorite Thing About your College:
A: Sense of community and outstanding faculty and staff
V: The size and the people!
Favorite Place in the World:  
A: Bermuda
V: Anywhere in the state of Texas. I am a country girl at heart!
Favorite Food:
A: Wood fired pizza
V: A bagel with cream cheese!
#1 Most-Played Song on Your iPod:
A: Sexy B***ch by David Guetta feat. Akon, I listen to it when I run, it’s got the perfect beat!
V: Good Girl by Carrie Underwood


Dream Boyfriend:
A: 15 years ago it was Brad Pitt. Now, it’s Ryan Gosling, he’s just hot!
V: Channing Tatum
When a Guy _____, I Swoon:
A: Is witty and confident
V: Tells me I am Beautiful
Perfect Date in 7 Words: 
A: Tapas, great wine, walk on the beach
V: Italian dinner in Boston, Red Sox game

Makena is a senior at Bryant University, studying International Business, Marketing and Spanish. In addition to co-founding Her Campus at Bryant, Makena is a published author, a peer mentor for Academic Programs International, works as a research assistant on campus, and is over-involved in general (and loving it). When she isn’t running frantically between classes, work and meetings, Makena enjoys travel, good Tex-Mex and getting lost in a great book.