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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Think there is a chance your man is cheating on you? Has he started acting different all of a sudden, and not in a good way? These are some signs that he may have moved on and isn’t telling you the truth.

1. He won’t let you see his phone

If he suddenly changes all of his passwords and is more reluctant to let you on his phone, something is up. If he is spending a lot of his time on his phone when he is with you but won’t tell you what he is up to, that is a major red flag.

2. He picks fights more than usual

If you realize that you are constantly fighting with him over the smallest things and he doesn’t care to fix it, you might as well say “bye” now.  

3. All of a sudden his tastes in things begin to change

This is huge. If his taste in music or likes and dislikes start to alter, he is probably trying to be more like what his new girl wants him to be like.

4. He stops paying attention to you

This is a no brainer. He is losing interest in you and he does not care to change that. Run while you can — let someone else give you the attention that you deserve.

5. He is sketchy when telling you about where he is or what he is up to

This can start subtly and escalate quickly. If he is spending more time with other people than he normally does, or he just doesn’t directly answer your “where are you? /what are you up to?” texts he definitely has something to hide.

6. Affection levels plummet

This is a clear sign. He doesn’t see you like he used to see you and there is almost no way to get this affectionate side back. If he has already moved on in his head he is going to start giving his affection to that new girl.

7. Other people begin asking if there is something going on

If other people start to notice differences in your relationship or how he is treating you, you have a big problem. It is one thing for you to be paranoid that something is going on inside the relationship, but when people on the outside start to notice these problems they become real.

8. He’s working longer than normal or more often

If his work hours start to multiply or he is “staying late to help out” rather than being with you, he has something to hide. Picking up extra hours is a sign that he may have a “friend” at work he would rather be with than you and he is just trying to avoid you all together.

9. Your intuition is screaming that something is wrong

If there are rumors flying that are causing you to think and rethink if your relationship with him is right, you have already shown yourself that it is not. You know you better than anyone else and if you don’t feel that things are going right in your relationship than they definitely are not. 

Bryant University Class of 2019 I am a caffeine dependent human being that enjoys avoiding all responsibilities. Blogging is a new passion of mine, hope you're a supporter. Love all the homies that read my articles. Xoxo B