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5 Ways to Support Relay for Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


Spring is finally approaching which means it is time for shorts, sandals, soaking up some sun by the pond, and of course, Bryant University’s Relay for Life! Relay for Life is an overnight fundraising walk that occurs annually at Bryant University in addition to many places around the world.  This year, it will be taking place on Friday, April 12th starting at 4:00pm.

Aside from being an exciting event to attend with friends, Relay for Life also benefits The American Cancer Society.  The money raised at Relay events everywhere contribute to The American Cancer Society’s growing demands for rides to and from treatment, wigs, free lodging, and other services that benefit cancer patients as well as their families.  Additionally, donations large and small fund research that helps unravel cancers’ causes and cures.  With such an incredible event approaching, here are some ways to show your support for Relay for Life!


1.  Wear Purple:  The color purple represents all cancer survivors and therefore, stands as the official color of Relay for Life.  By wearing purple, you are showing your support for both Relay and those who have taken a stand against cancer.

2.  Take a Picture with the Relay Bear:  Every spring, members of Bryant University’s own Relay committee occasionally travel around campus with the (almost) famous Relay Bear!  The adorable bear wearing all purple makes his way to classrooms, the gym, and even Salmo.  If you are lucky enough to spot the bear, take a picture with him and upload it to Facebook!

3.  Download the App:  Relay for Life has an official app for iPhone and Android.  This handy app gives you all of the tools you could possibly need if you are participating in Relay.  The app manages the entire experience for you, letting you quickly and easily personalize your very own Relay for Life page, request donations, and track your fundraising progress leading up to the event.

4.  Show Us Why You Relay:  In the weeks leading up to the event, countless Relay participants change their profile or cover photo on Facebook to an image that describes their reason for supporting Relay for Life.  Include a picture with a loved one battling cancer, the title of someone important to you, or even just the Relay logo to show everyone what Relay means to you!

5.  Sign Up:  It’s not too late! You still have the opportunity to participate in one of the most fun and rewarding events on campus.  Join the Her Campus Bryant team or simply donate by clicking here!