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20 Things All Grammar Lovers Know To Be True

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Grammar police, English majors, word nerds – you know who you are.  You cringe at the sight of a typo and get way too excited when you see a properly placed semicolon.  We at Her Campus Bryant get you!  See if you can relate to these feelings and situations that only a true Grammarian could understand.  Told by none other than the fabulous Amy Poehler!

1.      You find yourself editing your professor’s exams instead of actually taking them.

2.      Your friends and family beg for your forgiveness when they accidentally use the wrong “your.”

3.      You immediately discredit anyone who uses poor grammar. Irrelevant!

4.  Nothing irritates you like the green zigzag line under a perfectly good sentence on Microsoft Word.

5.      You notice your eye twitching when someone uses “then” instead of “than.”

6.      You feel like a champion when you find an error in your text book.  Take that McGraw-Hill!

7.      You feel personally offended when someone mixes up “effect” and “affect.”

8.      It takes an absurd amount of will power to refrain from correcting your friends’ grammatically incorrect text messages.

9.      Using the wrong form of “there” is a potential deal breaker for a new fling.

10.        The Comma Rules are more sacred to you than the Ten Commandments.

11.      You feel like you were born to edit.  Hopefully you like reading!

12.      Subject-verb agreement is an instinct that you were born with. And you love when someone else gets it.

13.      All of your friends make you edit their papers for them.

14.      Your weapon of choice is a red pen.  Don’t make us use it too much.

15.      Everyone in your 4th grade class thought you were weird for enjoying grammar lessons.

16.      The sight of a misplaced apostrophe is enough to make you shudder.

17.      You find yourself angrily searching for the end of a quotation or parentheses when someone forgot to close them.

18.      You know your friends are judging you for your perfect grammar, even in text messages.

19.      You take corrections and criticism of your work very seriously.

20.      And finally, nothing compares to the feeling of writing a perfectly worded sentence.  Brava, collegiettes!