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10 Things We’ve Learned From Sex and the City

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Sex and the City will always be a classic girl show that we will love at any age, no matter what mood we are in.  It is fun, entertaining, and has taught us so many valuable life lessons along the way.

What do men like? Sex and food.

People will always judge, no matter where you are.  You just have to take it.

We will squeeze in any extra cardio we can get.

We romantics are all looking for the same thing. 

Don’t be anything less than proud of your accomplishments.

An unsaid competition with an ex exists. The prize? Satisfaction in knowing you’ve won.

Sometime we just have to face the music and realize not every guy is going to love us.


Happiness is real; it’s not just a fairytale.

Your friends are the ones who have been with you through it all, and still will be in the end.