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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

High school… The glory days for some and the not-so-glorious days for others. Fortunately, we all got to leave these ten things behind in high school.

1) Detention- the dreaded hour spent after school basically being your teacher’s beyotch- cleaning her blackboards, writing apology notes, and helping organize the classroom all because you chewed a piece of gum during her class…

2) Lockers- nothing like finding an old lunch at the bottom of your locker covered in mold, or better yet, your locker getting jammed making you late for class… leading right back to another horrible detention.

3) Gym Class- the worst part of every girls’ day: getting all sweaty even though you spent an hour on your hair and makeup before school. On top of being sweaty you always embarrassed yourself in front of the boys in your class by sucking at dodgeball. 

5) Dress Codes- finally, we don’t have to worry about sweating our butts off in the summer because we have to abide by the “no tank tops or shorts” rule. We might as well just dress like we live in Alaska all year.

6) Long School Days- in college our schedules are a lot more flexible and we have time in between classes. Way better than sitting at a desk all day taking at least 6 classes.

7) Bullies- throughout our entire lives we’ll have to deal with mean people, but now those bullies are a lot more avoidable and less popular- no one in college respects a bully.

8) Parent Teacher Conferences- the worst half an hour of our lives while we sit at home waiting to see if we are going to get grounded or praised from the report our teachers gave our parents.

9) Crappy Cafeteria Food- although not everyone likes their college cafeterias, the options are far greater than those of our high school cafeterias, and the lunch ladies aren’t as grumpy. 

10) “Mean Girls”- that ‘popular’ group of girls that tormented everyone is finally spread apart (in most cases) and finally we are away from them… unless you got stuck with them at your college, then that sucks.