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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving Break? We are too! Check out our ideas of fun things to do!

1. Take a walk outside

Enjoy the last few weeks of marginally warm weather and take a walk outside around your neighborhood or in a local park.

2. Read a good book

Use your time off to pick up a book that you’re not required to read for one of your classes.There is nothing better than getting engrossed in a good read.

3. Paint your nails

Whether you go get them done by a professional or do them yourself, now is the perfect time to paint your nails a pretty fall color.See our post on the best nail colors for the fall.

4. Color

De-stress and do a little coloring.Whether it’s in a coloring book, or just your own design, taking some time to be a little creative is always a good way to spend your time.

5. Take pictures

Take some pictures of the fall foliage now before the leaves all fall for the winter.

6. Get together with an old friend

Use your little break to try and hang out with a friend you haven’t seen in a while.Or better yet, host a friendsgiving for all your friends to get together.See our post on how to throw a friendsgiving for some cute ideas.

7. Spend time with your family

We all know that Thanksgiving is a time to be with the people you love, but it also might be nice to spend a little one-on-one time with some of your closer family, like a mom, dad, or sibling.They’re definitely excited to have you home for a bit.

8. Eat your favorite meal

We all know that dining hall food isn’t the same as a good homecooked meal.Take a bit to make and buy something you enjoy that you can’t always get from the dining hall here.

9. Make a new studying playlist

When we come back from break finals will be right around the corner.This break would be the perfect time to make a new playlist to get you right back into school mode once we return to classes.

10. Give thanks!

Enjoy your time off and take a moment to be thankful for all the opportunities you have. Times can be stressful, but it’s important to recognize how lucky we are to be in college now.

Most likely to approach a stranger to say hi to their dog :)