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The 6 Things You Need To Do Before Leaving Providence For Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

The beginning of March means all our minds are looking forward to spring break, which is quickly approaching! In the remaining weeks of classes and assignments, there are many productive and enjoyable ways to prepare yourself for the optimal spring break experience, no matter where you are headed.

Journal Your Itinerary for the Week

Whether staying in Providence or traveling, find a cute coffee shop or a new landmark or museum to visit during your week. Enjoy some tasty bites and explore a unique area during your time off from classes. By journaling your itinerary in advance, you can maximize your time and fulfill your Spring Break 2023 bucket list!

Prepare Your Dorm Room

If you are traveling, there is no better feeling than returning to Brown with an organized dorm room, a filled Brita, clean sheets, and folded laundry. In the days leading up to spring break, prioritize preparing your dorm room and space for a seamless reentry when you return from any adventures over break. 

Infuse some Glam

Maybe it’s a manicure or the haircut you procrastinate, but spring break means you have reason to pamper yourself with some self-care to feel your absolute best! Indulge in some glam activities, even if it is a simple at-home spa night or a short gym session. You deserve it!

Find The Perfect Beach Read

Even if you are not reading with the background of waves crashing in the sand, many transportive novels with vacation themes will provide an oasis from any location. Some of my favorites include: Love & Other Words by Christina Lauren, The People We Meet On Vacation by Emily Henry, In Five Years by Rebecca Serle, The Light We Lost by Jill Santapolo, and Every Summer After by Carley Fortune. 

Create a spring break Playlist

Once you have determined your plans for the week, select the perfect songs and curate a playlist to enhance your travel or staycation experience. A music playlist will not only make your spring break experience more enjoyable, but it will also remain a capsule of the memories you make during the week that you can return to whenever listening to music in the future.

Schedule Your Workload

It is important to relax and unwind over break. Although exams and assignments are by no means concluded at this point in the semester, be sure to allocate a portion of time to studying to preserve the sanctity of your break. Estimate how much time you must study for each class, and pencil in your planner accordingly. When doing so, prioritize completing the necessary work and enjoy the time off from classes. Scheduling is vital to ensuring that you return to a full class schedule completely rejuvenated and restored for the latter portion of the semester before finals. 

Maggie Seidel is the President of the Her Campus at Brown chapter. In this role, she oversees and recruits new members and writers, produces content for Pinterest and Instagram, manages the calendar, editorial process, and brand partnerships, leads weekly meetings and outreach, and contributes weekly articles. Maggie studies International & Public Affairs and Entrepreneurship, and she is a current sophomore. She is also a chair on the executive leadership team of Brown University's Women in Business, the Co-Editor-In-Chief of the Intercollegiate Finance Journal, a teaching assistant for an entrepreneurship class at Brown, and a member of Kappa Delta sorority. Her Campus is Maggie's place of happy. She also loves to play tennis, celebrate holidays of any and all kinds, curate new Pinterest boards, and enjoy a leisurely weekend brunch and cup of warm coffee.