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The 6 Spring Break Planning Tips You Absolutely Can’t Skip

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

The final countdown for spring break has begun. With less than a month left, the thrill and excitement have started rushing through our veins. We all feel immense happiness as we lay on the beach, spread an ounce of tanning oil all over our bodies often, and take a break from the stresses of school to enjoy a much-needed vacation. With warmer weather, longer days, and many outdoor activities with our closest friends, spring break offers the perfect opportunity to recharge, rejuvenate, and have fun!

However, spring break planning requires some planning and organization, and we all have the ‘mom’ in the group who takes the lead. So, why don’t you start the relaxation now and save yourself from the last-minute, stressful hassles through this step-by-step guide for spring break planning before you buckle up for your trip? 

Plan your trip

Choose your destination wisely. Determine the ideal place for you to go and what your top priority is during your spring break. Make a list of places you want to visit, activities you want to participate in, and things you want to see – all per your friend groups. 


This is probably the toughest point on the checklist. We all go above budget, but let’s at least start with a budget that can help guide our trip. Consider the cost of transportation, lodging, food, and entertainment.

Book accommodations

Once you have a plan and budget, book your accommodations. Whether it’s a hotel, resort, or vacation rental, reserve your spot early to ensure availability and the best price, as well as ensure that it is in a safe community.

Pack wisely

Pack appropriately for the activities you have planned. Consider the climate and weather of your destination, and remember to pack essentials like sunscreen, sunglasses, and a swimsuit. Visiting Providence Place would be a splendid idea before leaving. Free People, Zara, and Macy’s will undoubtedly have unique and fashionable clothing to make your outfits stand out in your Instagram posts! It is also worth visiting Wayland: grab an Iced Latte from Cafe Madrid and stroll the boutique stores to find the best and most tropical accessories. 

Stay safe

Be aware of your surroundings when traveling alone or with friends. We all go crazy during spring break, but try not to completely loose control to the point where it can threaten your safety. 

Have fun

Remember that spring break is a time to relax and have fun. Enjoy your time away and make some memories that will last a lifetime. You will teleport to the beach in no time!

Hi my name is Sofia and I am a junior from Greece concentrating in Behavioral Decision Science with the Entrepreneurship path. Outside class I love cooking while listening to music, spending quality time with friends and family, and taking my dog to the beach. Coming from Greece, I love being immersed in water and enjoy kite surfing, wake surfing and swimming (especially with my dog of course, I don't go anywhere without her). I also enjoy playing tennis with friends and spontaneously composing piano pieces.