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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.


As you enter your third week of school, you may find yourself congested and suffering through class with a sore throat. Although being sick can be upsetting and difficult, don’t worry—. You are most definitely not alone. Most college students (freshmen especially) fall ill during the first few weeks of class. After all, you have been plunged into a brand new environment and exposed to hundreds of new germs that your immune system is not used to processing. Here are a few tips to help you prevent yourself from getting sick or as most college students call it, the freshman flu. 


  1. Wash your hands!! This may seem like a no-brainer, but college life is different than life at home. You may not go back to your dorm where you know you have access to a bathroom before every meal. Even if you’re running from class to the Ratty for lunch/dinner, make a habit of stopping at a bathroom along the way to wash your hands before you enjoy your wonderful Ratty meal. 

  2. Don’t share drinks with other people!! I know this can be difficult especially when you’re going out and there are a limited amount of cups or you want to partake in a round of beer pong, but it is worth it in the long run. Bring your own cup with you when you go out; you can have a little fun by labeling/decorating the cup so you don’t misplace it once you’re at a party. As for drinking games like beer pong, just drink straight from the can or bottle instead of pouring the drink into cups that multiple people have been drinking out of. 

  3. Clean out your reusable water bottles regularly!! Most college kids are environmentally conscious and opt to use reusable water bottles, which is great, but make sure to wash them. Some soap, warm water, and a sponge (if you have one) will do the trick. You don’t want germs to fester in the container you are drinking out of everyday. 

Although these tips can help prevent you from contracting the freshman flu, sometimes no matter what we do we get sick. Here are some tips to help you feel better if you do in fact find yourself under the weather. 

  1. Drink tea!! A warm cup of tea can help sooth your scratchy throat and clear your sinuses. I recommend TAZO’s spicy ginger tea, but any flavor or brand will do the trick.

  2. Stay hydrated!! You probably always hear this one, but drinking lots of water while your sick really can help you heal faster. 

  3. Invest in some powerful cough drops!! I swear by Ricola’s dual action swiss cherry cough drops. They’re quite powerful, but will also instantly suppress any embarrassing cough attacks that might spring up in the middle of a lecture.

  4. Sleep!! Your mom has probably told you this a million times, but mothers really do know best. Getting a good night’s sleep truly does help you feel better. While you sleep your body gets the opportunity to re-energize and fight off the germs that are plaguing you. Go to bed early and you will 100% feel better in the morning. 

  5. Go to health services!! Brown’s health services’ address is 13 Brown St, Providence, RI 02906. If you are not starting to feel better after a couple of days, it might be a good idea to make a trip to health services just to be sure that you don’t have something more serious. Plus it’s always smart to get acquainted with health services in the event that you need it in the future. 


Beatrice is a first-year, planning to concentrate in political science.
Campus Correspondent for Brown University's Chapter