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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

I want to start off by sending love and light to the families and friends affected by the tragic helicopter crash on January 26th, 2020. In light of this situation, I wanted to highlight the incredible lessons one of the fallen has shared with us for so many years. Kobe Bryant is, and always will be, one of the most gifted athletes ever to grace the court with his presence. In addition to his incredible talents, he was a wise and prolific motivational speaker. From formal interviews to post-game talks to his documentary “Kobe Bryant’s Muse,” he shared incredible pieces of wisdom. 

1. Sacrifices

“There’s a choice we have to make as people, as individuals, if you want to be great at something, you have to make the inherent sacrifices that come along with that… We all can be masters at our craft, but you have to make sacrifices that come along with making that decision.” – Kobe Bryant.

Credit: CBS Sports

2. Being Yourself

When asked about his marketing skills and advising others on marketing Bryant answered with 

“Be yourself. That’s it. Be you, be you, there’s no gimmick, you don’t have to contrive anything, who are you, where are you today, what is your story, where does that come from and then all you’re doing is communicating your story to the public”

Credit: Bloomberg  

3. His Daughter 

“The best thing that happens when we go out, fans will come up to me and she’ll be standing next to me and they’ll be like, ‘Hey, you gotta have a boy! You and V gotta have a boy to have somebody to carry on the tradition and the legacy.’ She’s like, ‘Hey, I got this! You don’t need a boy for that.’” 

Credit: Jimmy Kimmel Live!, October 2018

4. Goalsetting and Perseverance

When a fellow NBA player Gordon Hayward suffered a devastating injury, Kobe sent these inspiring words, “It’s a long journey but if you focus on the mini-milestones along the way you will find beauty in the struggle of doing simple things that … were taken for granted. This will also mean that when you return you will have a new perspective. You will be so appreciative of being able to stand, walk, run that you will train harder than you ever have. You see the belief within you grow with each mini milestone and you will come back a better player for it.”

Credit: Instagram, October 2017

5. The Legacy you Leave

“It’s the one thing you can control. You are responsible for how people remember you—or don’t. So don’t take it lightly.”

Credit: Kobe Bryant

I decided to end with this quote because I believe that Kobe truly embodied it. He left a legacy that will live on forever. Whether it be his words, his skills on the court, or his abilities as a parent, Kobe put his all into everything he did, and his name will forever represent that. 

Natasha is a sophomore at Brown University studying the History of Art and Architecture.
Nora is the Campus Correspondent for Brown University's chapter. She is a Junior from New York studying Applied Math-Economics. Her interests are writing, painting, and playing tennis.