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15 Things That Would Send A Non-Brown Student Into A Coma

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.
Shopping Period

Cue overflowing lecture halls and students running out of classes halfway through!

Andrew’s Burrito Bowl line

Get ready to wait 30+ minutes in your sweats while debriefing the night before. 

CPAX Weather Machine

…if you know, you know…

Professor Hazeltine Biking to Class

There’s truly nothing like watching this 93 year old icon biking to a class that he still teaches. 

Chicken Finger Fridays

CFF at VDub is truly part of the Brown experience (and major contributor to the Freshman 15). 

Harvard-Brown Football Games

We love supporting our football team against Harvard (even when they endure 69-13 losses). 

the Naked Donut Run

Prepare for coordinated groups of naked (yes, butt-naked) runners handing out donuts in the Rock and the Scili during reading period. 

Spring Weekend

Biggest party weekend of the year. There’s always a ton of mystery around the star-studded lineup, and everyone gets hype for the Coachella of Brown. Past performers included Kendrick Lamar, Phoebe Bridgers, and Snoop Dog. 

Spicy with …

Classic order at Jo’s at 1 am on a Saturday after a night out with friends. Best accompanied with Diet Coke and fries. 

Arch-Bron Basement

Arguably the worst place to live on campus as a first-year. Prepare for lots of flooding during Providence rainstorms. Yikes.

the Pembroke Seal

Rumor has it that if you step on it, you’ll get pregnant and drop out!


We miss our big blue bear :(

Athletes and Scooters

If you’re looking for the easy classes at Brown, look no further than the piles of Spin scooters left by student-athletes outside class buildings! 


Dealing with the housing lottery at Brown would put ANYONE into a coma. 

Poler Bears on the Main Green

Nothing like seeing your TA on a stripper pole at 1 pm on a Tuesday.

I am a member of the Brown Class of 2026, and I am planning to concentrate in history and economics. In my free time, I enjoy reading historical fiction novels, baking chocolate chip cookies, and trying new restaurants and cafes in Providence.