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The Enigmatic Species Among Us: Becoming a Corporate Girly

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

[Scene opens with serene music playing in the background, transitioning to the Voice of Sir David Attenborough]. 

In the gentle embrace of dawn she stirs. Her alarm (a mere whisper in the symphony of morning) is all she requires – her zeal and relentless pursuit of triumph awakens prior. Adorned in meticulously selected gym attire which harmonises with her trainers and hydration companion (that is brimming with lemon-infused vitality) she strides purposefully into a 6 am Pilates class – fortified and resolute. Returning, she indulges in a habitual shower followed by an elaborate skincare regime. This rivals the cost of most other species’ monthly rent. Her wardrobe choice echoes authority. Pausing to document her musings, she orchestrates a gourmet breakfast fortified by vitamins before finding solace in fleeting meditation. A brief detour to Starbucks with her laptop securely tucked under her arm, the morning’s emails are meticulously addressed before the inaugural meeting.

Behold, the corporate girl – an enigmatic species previously obscured. Her pursuit of excellence is a relentless force propelling her through the rigours of modern life. Her existence is rich in purpose, determination, and an insatiable thirst for success.

[Camera zooms out, fading into the bustling cityscape as the day unfurls for the corporate girl, an unsung protagonist in the urban jungle.]

We’ve all seen the TikTok videos. Their stunning aesthetic and enviably organised lifestyles have no doubt made us all question our existence at some point. Just when the “that girl” trend was calming down and everyone’s expectation of what life looked like seemed to be re-normalising itself (cue the season of frazzled English women), this sudden injection of perfection once again reared its head. 

Enter “the corporate girly” trend. This time, it is not solely an expectation that we remain put together outside of your 9 to 5, but there’s now an emphasis on excelling in the office as well. Snoozing the alarm 16 times until we have all of 7 minutes to get up dressed and out the door is now out of the question. The silent prayers on the commute that the office will be miraculously shut will, as of today, be replaced by hydration and meeting prep. 

All of your colleagues greeting you at the door with demands upon arrival? You best swallow that grimace back down and engage in polite morning chatter. Yes Claudine, I am great thank you. Yourself? No, Lucas, I haven’t yet seen your email, but fear not I will get on it just as soon as I sit down. Absolutely Marie, it’s 9am, why would I not want to see photos of your pet turtle! The worst part is you actually have to mean it. 

But whilst critics argue that a large part of these trends promote an unhealthy desire for perfection and order, is it possible that we could all benefit in some way from this romanticisation of mundanity?

There was only one way to find out… I had to really experience it for myself:

1. The wake up

Alarm was set for the ungodly hour of 6am, a whole 3 hours before I would be required in the office. Despite it initially seeming unnecessary, my new found morning routine filled the time with ease. I don’t want to admit it but the peace and quiet of the early morning meant that by the time I sat down at my desk, my brain was fully awake.

Rating on the day: 8/10

Chance of regular implementation into routine: 6/10 – I love sleep too much.

2. The workout and wellbeing exercises

I’m not a Pilates girl so I took myself on a morning run. Whilst I normally prefer to run after work to blow the steam off from the day, again, it felt really good to achieve something before the official work day had even begun.

Rating on the day: 9/10

Chance of regular implementation into routine: 9/10

3. Dressing to mean business

I love wearing clothes that make me feel confident. Heeled boots are already a staple in my wardrobe, however choosing an intentionally put together outfit and (to take it one step further) having chosen it the night before meant decision paralysis didn’t get the better of me. I will definitely being doing this in future.

Rating on the day: 10/10

Chance of regular implementation into routine: 10/10

4. Managing the working day 

I’m already a serial list maker and lover of all things organisation, so this part was easy (sounding real cool right about now). I found that following the corporate girly lead made me more productive because it felt like I was playing a part. Whilst normally, 3pm rolls around and I start dwindling off needing a sweet treat, I remained focussed in a way I usually “cannot”.

Rating on the day: 8/10

Chance of regular implementation into routine: 7/10 – the reality of life means I will probably still occasionally become slightly erratic and lost in the office.

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20th Century Fox
5. Post work networking

AKA after work cocktails with some girlfriends. It just felt right. Although, maybe this one was added in more for my own benefit. After all, they must celebrate their success and efficiency somehow, right?

Rating on the day: 11/10

Chance of regular implementation into routine: 11/10 – already perfected!

The verdict? 

Perhaps initially introducing you to the corporate girls with a voiceover in the style of Sir David Attenborough was a tad dramatic, but up until putting this rigorous regime to the test I was sceptical that those enjoying their corporate office job were of the same species as the rest of us. 

To me, the trend is more about encouraging a positive outlook. It’s a decision more than a lifestyle; a commitment to oneself as opposed to the thousands watching on social media.

When you take away the time consuming posing and perfecting, what is left is intentionality. Setting smaller goals like waking up at a certain time, working out, eating well (whilst still competently doing your work) clearly reaps social, emotional and perhaps even financial rewards.

Whilst we would all love to get on board the crazy travel and f*** capitalism trends, the reality for a lot of people is that this is not an option. To work or not to work is in fact not the question and finding pleasure and fulfilment in our daily working lives is certainly something we should all aim for. 

The corporate girly trend demonstrates such a small slither of how life is available to live, however, instead of thinking we have to embody every part of said trend to have success, we should find elements that work for us. We can then successfully incorporate this into our own lives.

So girl, go make your third coffee of the morning in one of your mismatching cups and don’t worry if you’re not planning on switching your comfy loafers out for heels in the office. I’ll be right there with you. We just have to find purpose in our corporate girl routines.

Uni of Bristol student studying French and Politics. Wannabe writer.