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Racial slurs, vagina celebrations and grime at the V & A: Have you heard the latest music news?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

It has been, as always, a busy week. Here are some important pieces of music news that may have slipped under your radar:

Simone Biles faces racist trolls after appearing in a music video

As days become colder and nights draw closer, we could all do with a bit of heartwarming news this autumn. Unfortunately, the close of 2016 has granted us with yet another reminder that racism is alive and well.

After starring as the love interest in Jake Miller’s latest music video, Simone Biles (the most decorated Olympic gymnast EVER at age 19) was greeted with an array of racial slurs which condemned her for her appearance, her interracial relationship in the music video and for seemingly being too ‘sexy’.

(Source: twitter.com)

Whilst fans did soon hit back with comments praising Biles and the video, these comments are a clear sign as to how far we are from achieving racial equality. This video should be a source of inspiration, yet again trolls are needlessly berating the presence of black women in the media.  

Pussy Riot take on Donald Trump with their new song celebrating the vagina

The ever-wonderful and outspoken Russian punk band have released a lyrical masterpiece praising the vagina. The song was recorded in February but the timing of ‘Straight Outta Vagina’ could not have been better, coming soon after Trump’s lewd comments regarding sexual assault and grabbing women ‘by the pussy’.

The song is provocative and punchy. With group choreographed scenes in the urinals, an ecstasy-like pill which turns pubic hair blue, and trademark balaclavas, the punk group celebrate the vagina in all its glory.

Skepta revolutionises the V & A

Skepta, alongside 12 young musicians he has mentored for the past two months, brought an urban grime revolution to the V&A this weekend.

It is part of the institution’s ‘Revolutions Weekender’ and, as part of Skepta’s collaboration, a room featuring notebooks, lyrics and photographs from his workshops were put on display. Alongside this the public had opportunities to mix music produced by the young musicians in a temporary studio.

The V & A is overtly acknowledging the growing presence of grime and thus allowing itself to become a more inclusive environment.

As Skepta so eloquently puts it: 

“We’ve been ahead for so long in the UK, we’re so multicultural and that’s the beauty…That’s why grime was formed, from this mix, this understanding of different people. Now other people are catching on. There’s a revolution happening.”

(Source: The Guardian)

(Source: YouTube.com)

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