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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

How many skin care products do you own that you have never used, or just pop on without knowing what order to use them in? Layering skincare is essential to achieve the best possible results from your products and prevent skin damage. These simple steps will allow you to discover what order to use your products to get the results you’ve always wanted to see!

How To Layer

  1. Cleansing
  • Cleansing morning and night makes sure your skin is clean before you put any other products on, allowing your skincare products to be absorbed properly. Double cleansing in the evening is also super important as this allows you to get rid of any makeup or products you’ve had on your face and remove excess oil.
  1. Exfoliating
  • Exfoliating is amazing for improving skin texture, but it’s not necessary every day. Exfoliating removes the build up of dead skin cells, making it easier for your skin to absorb the products you use. 
  • Physical or chemical exfoliants are able to brighten your skin. However, be careful with the amount of exfoliant you use to ensure you don’t damage your skin.
    1. Treatments: Lightest to heaviest
    • Start by putting on your thinnest and lightest products so they are absorbed first. The heavier products, such as moisturiser, can make the thinner products less effective by creating a barrier that prevents their full absorption.
    • Thinner products: toner, treatments and masks and serums.
    • Thicker products: eye cream, moisturizers and oils.
    1. SPF
    • Sun cream is the most important step! It goes on last after all the other products and should be worn every day to protect your skin from the sun. The only products worn on top of it should be makeup.
    • Not all sun creams are the same, so you can try a range to find out what works best for your skin and your makeup routine.
    • Sun cream is super important as it protects your skin from sun damage, ageing and dehydration – so remember to check the SPF (factor 50 is the best!).

    These steps should help you achieve amazing skin results, however, always seek the advice of a dermatologist for professional skincare advice!

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    Eloise Moreby

    Bristol '25

    Hi, I'm Eloise a sociology student at the University of Bristol