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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brighton chapter.

Black Friday is bad for the environment. It’s time for change.
Black Friday is almost upon on us and for many, it is a highly anticipated time of year, in late November where many brands and shops will offer limited time deals. For most, this is ideal for Christmas shopping and bagging a perfect offer. However, it has a sinister side…

Fast fashion has become a huge problem all over the globe, from over-consumption ofgarments to underpaid and overworked workers. Before you consider buying something, the industry is currently responsible for almost 10% of global carbon emissions, it’s estimated that 92 million tonnes of textile waste end up landfill each YEAR. This is likely to double by 2030 if things don’t change. They also say that most of these garments will not decompose due to micro-plastics in fabrics they are made from.

Another problem is that the industry is also responsible for 20% of global wastewater, through dying and chemical processes. These end up polluting water supplies and will harm, if not kill a high amount of sea life, along with wasting so much water that would be enough for one person to drink for 900 days. This is a ridiculous waste of our precious resources. Throwaway culture has impacted the world so dramatically, that only 12% of material gets recycled. These statistics need to change. So, what can we start doing to make a difference?

  1. Don’t overspend or over purchase on clothing! Most of us already have wardrobes
    and drawers packed full of clothing, so don’t give into temptation with sneaky
    marketing tactics. In today’s economic climate with the cost-of-living crisis, our hard-
    earned money is precious.
  2. Have a huge clothing clear out. If there are garments you no longer wear, they can
    be upcycled or donated, helping someone in need or giving new life to an item. For
    example, old t-shirts can be turned into pillows or tote bags! This is a fun way to
    have unique items in your possession that don’t go to waste.
  3. Anything in good or perfect condition can be sold! Depop and Vinted are great
    places for selling high street branded items
  4. If you do need to buy clothing, make a note of what you need to avoid unnecessary
  5. To get the most of your wardrobe, download an app called Whering, which is the
    Gen Z version of the famous ‘Clueless’ app. You know the one.
  6. Don’t buy from fast fashion brands! Examples are Shein and Boohoo. Charity and
    vintage shops are your new best friend
  7. Organise a clothing swap with your friends. If you have similar fashion sense and
    sizes, why not share your clothing? This is a great bonding tool and eliminates the
    need for buying.

So, when you’re shopping for deals this Black Friday, remember the tips and be mindful of our environment!

Hi! I'm 22 years old and I am studying Politics, Sexuality and Gender at University of Brighton. When I'm not studying, you'll find me hanging with my friends, watching movies and listening to music (especially Taylor Swift!)