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Profile: HC at Brenau’s Very Own Sommer Stockton

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

Sommer is a freshman here at Brenau University. Not only is she hard working, much beloved member of the Brenau community, she was recently featured on Buzzfeed!


What is your whole name?


My full name is Sommer Lee Stockton.

Where were you born?

I was born in Winder, Georgia, but I currently live in Hoschton, Georgia.

How many siblings do you have?


I have a stepsister, Tiffany, who is 38 years old, which kind of makes me an only child. 

What activities/organizations do you participate in on campus?


I am Freshman Class Secretary, so I am a part of SGA. I am an Honor Court member and I write for Her Campus. 

How exactly did you choose Brenau?


I chose Brenau for several reasons. My aunt graduated from Brenau in the 70s, and lives a few minutes away, so I had been by the campus before. In eighth grade, my school went to see one of the WonderQuest shows, and that was where I fell in love with the campus itself. I was fascinated by everything Brenau had to offer. So when Brenau gave me a scholarship, I was sold.

What exactly did you put on Twitter?


What I said to JK Rowling on Twitter was: I am a proud Slytherin, but my friends always make fun of me because I am one. What would you recommend that I do? She replied back: Curse them.

Do you use Twitter a lot?


The funny part of it is that I don’t use Twitter at all. I was tired of how I see what other people are sharing, so I gave it up. I had gotten on there that day because my friend said she tagged me in something and that I had to see it.

What made you tweet what you tweeted?

The story behind the tweet is I was in an argument with a friend earlier and she was stereotyping the usual, accusing all Slytherins of being evil. I was just fed up with everyone always hating on my House. Just because there were a few bad eggs doesn’t mean we all are evil. So I was really upset and decided to get on Twitter and tweet that to JK Rowling

How do you feel about Buzzfeed featuring your tweet?


It feels pretty amazing, that’s for sure.  I had no idea actually. I happened to be at work and was on Pinterest, looking at library display boards. One link took me to Buzzfeed, and at the bottom of the article I was reading, was a link to a featured story.  I clicked on it, and it happened to be about my tweet. It’s pretty amazing though because I would love to work for Buzzfeed one day in the video department, and they are huge Harry Potter nerds too. 

Do you think it is weird for someone to interview you when you, yourself are a Mass Communications major?


Not really. In reality, it makes things easier since I know that whatever you ask me, I need to give you enough information. It also gives us a connection to talk more about things we both mutually understand. There is also no reason to ‘break the ice’ between us since we both know each other well!

Thank you, Sommer, and we hope to be hearing more from you on Buzzfeed in the future.

My name is Kenya Hunter! I am a freshman at Brenau University as a Mass Communications major. My focus is journalism!