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Brenau Gives You Her Name: A 2016 May Day Primer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

May Day. The greatest day in the Brenau calendar. A day filled with meeting alumane and sharing stories of ol’ Brenau and working on your Class Day presentations. Many students attend this honored tradition and it is always worth the wait. Alumni come from all over the world to revisit their old stomping grounds and to connect with their old college friends.


Class Day is definitely worth waking up at 9:30am for. Showing off your love for the seniors through song parodies and a skit routine from the Juniors is the best way to start a morning. The Freshman chose the songs, Cheerleader by Omi and Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC, to twist and sing with their hearts to the seniors above, who found the songs to be rather amusing.



The Sophomore’s sang parodies of Watch Me Whip by Silento and Hello by Adele. The Juniors did a fantastic job of retelling the lives of the seniors, ranging from their first day as freshman to their last day as seniors. Several important Brenau faculty made an appearance, like Sara Hubaishi as Lauren Bell and Emily Burgess as Debbie Thompson. Many awards were handed out and Diane Honan made an amazing video detailing the times the seniors shared together through their four years here. We also found out who has been HJ this year and of course, it was the amazing Dayle Lane!



Next was the best part: filling out onto the front lawn to move up the Crow’s Nest! As a freshman, the feeling of finally being able to step foot on the Crow’s Nest made it all worth it!


After Class Day was over, May Day began. The wrapping of the May Pole is an honored tradition here at Brenau. Many alumni attended this afternoon, and after the ceremony was over, the alumnae traveled over Brenau’s campus, seeking out the old places that they knew from their days here. Many sororities held parties in honor of their alumnae’s coming out, and you could hear their Greek chants over the entire campus! I loved watching the May Court walk out with their parents and get crowned! Here is this year’s May Court!



Even the founder of the Mass Communication department and the WBCX radio station, Clara Martin, came out to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the twin departments at the Jacobs Building. As a Mass Communication major, it was an amazing opportunity to meet the woman who started the entire department.


My first May Day was one for the history books. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would have as much fun as I had thought, but I was wrong. May Day was one of the highlights of my freshman year. I am so humbled to stand beside these amazing ladies and alumnae!

Photo credits to Brenau University.

Sommer Stockton is a sophomore at Brenau University and is majoring in Mass Communications. She believes she is the biggest Harry Potter fan of all time and loves to travel to new places. She loves chicken nuggets, frozen cokes and squirrels. Sommer is a proud Slytherin at heart.
My name is Kenya Hunter! I am a freshman at Brenau University as a Mass Communications major. My focus is journalism!