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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Name: Zach(ary) Breslaw
Year: 2015
Major: Undecided (leaning towards Computer Science/American Studies)

Her Campus: I know you’re involved in BOO. For those of us who don’t know what BOO is, tell us a little about it.
Zach: It’s the Brandeis Orthodox Organization. It brings modern orthodox Jews together and makes a community within a community.

HC: How has your experience been in Student Union?
Zach: That was last year. I’m now assistant treasurer in the Student Union. My job is to help clubs with funds. Right now, I audit eight secured clubs and I make sure that they are using the money given to them wisely.

HC: I know you play ultimate frisbee on Brandeis’s Tron team. Tell us about it.
Zach: Well, I just started this year, so I don’t really have much to say. So far I really like it.

HC: How would you describe yourself? What are some of your likes and dislikes?
Zach: I’m really energetic and outgoing. I’m good at meeting new people in any situation and I love it. Meeting people is one of my favorite things. That’s not to say that I like to be surrounded by a big group of people. I typically prefer smaller groups of friends as opposed to large ones. It’s more intimate and you really get to know people that way. And once you get to know them, you figure out what you have in common with them. For example, one of my favorite things to do with my friends is play pickup games and sports. I’m not a huge fan of watching televised sports, but I’ll definitely play the games.

Fast Facts
Favorite place to meet people: Randomly bump into them
Favorite food on campus: Sherman cookies – but I toast them and then put ice cream on top of them.
Favorite TV Show: Go-to show is How I Met Your Mother
Weird Talents: I’m extremely coordinated. I’m one of those people that can catch M&M’s in my mouth.
Pet Peeves: I don’t like fillers in sentences (like); I really dislike rude people; and I hate whenever you’ve met someone and they don’t say hi/smile whenever you see them about.


Rachel is a junior math major and premed student at Brandeis University. She is an EMT and recently joined her school's EMS squad. When she's not busy studying, she enjoys blogging, watching sitcoms, drawing zentangles, folding origami, and eating chocolate.