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Why You Should Be ON A BOAT!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about Junior/Senior formal.
Some people wonder what it really is, what to wear, whether its worth going to. Well, as a Junior/ Senior, I can tell you it’s definitely worth your time, but as a staffer at Her Campus, I knew I’d have to back up my opinion with some cold hard evidence. So we got it straight from the source: senior formal coordinator Maxwell Zotz ’11, shared the scoop with Her Campus Brandeis. Everything you wanted to know, and even some extra info on the thought behind the boat!

“The Brandeis University Junior/Senior Formal this year will be held on the Spirit of Boston, a luxury cruiseline that will take 500 students through Boston Harbor from 7pm til midnight on Saturday March 12th. The night will include a full-course seated dinner, live entertainment, full bar and of course plenty of dancing! Entertainment will be provided by Club Royale Resident DJ Breeazy as well as the famous local cover band The Smoking Jackets. 

The change from years of hosting the annual event at hotels in the Boston to now a luxury cruiseline, stemmed from myself and fellow coordinator Christine Chen ’12 hope to change the event from a focus on just drinking and dancing to more of a classy and respectable environment where students could also enjoy a seated meal in the company of their friends as well. We really wanted to give students a chance to showcase their maturation and growth as individuals at Brandeis by providing them with a venue that catered to a more classier clientele but still allowed for the live entertainment and celebration that has always been associated with this event. We are really looking forward to Saturday evening, as junior and seniors at Brandeis get this chance to enjoy the company of their fellow students in a classy atmosphere aboard the Spirit of Boston!”

Still have doubts? Then go simply for a fun night out with your friends! Besides, who doesn’t want to say they’ve been on a boat: especially for their college formal!

Abigail Katznelson is a Senior at Brandeis University studying Economics and Psychology. She recently joined the Her Campus Team and is so excited to have been recognized by Brandeis as an official charter! She is a member of the Brandeis Student Union, Creative Advertising Director for Student Events, and the Vice President of Sigma Delta Tau Delta Gamma Chapter. Her interests include singing, shopping, writing and exploring exotic foods. She will attend Brandeis’ International Business School next year as a participant in Brandeis’ 5-Year Masters program in International Finance.