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Top Ten Pre-Study Abroad Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

For those of you thinking about going abroad or you want to go abroad but aren’t sure where, check out these top ten tips for deciding on a study abroad semester:
(These tips are not in any particular order)

1. Do a degree audit
It might still be early on in your college career, but you should know what classes you will need to take at brandeis for your major and if you can satisfy some of those requirements when you’re abroad.

2. Look into what programs Brandeis approves
Most programs people go on abroad are brandeis approved programs rather than actual brandeis run programs. Check to see what kinds of programs brandeis approves to see what a good fit will be

3. Take a language (this may or may not apply to you)
After checking brandeis approved programs you will notice that a lot have a certain level of foreign language fluency associated with them. If there is a program or a place that you’re interested in, take the language to get on par for that program

4. Go to a Study Abroad Fair
You might think that these are small and not worth it but it is actually very worthwhile to go to study abroad fairs to talk to the people who run the programs you’re interested in. Though it is not like a college fair in high school where you’re looking to impress the person, you will get a lot of info from the person about the program and the study abroad experience in general. They are always very eager to tell you everything and answer all your questions (I chose my study abroad program options after attending an abroad fair)

5. If you’re interested in a bunch of places, narrow it down to TWO
Brandeis lets you choose two programs sophomore year that you are interested in (basically one as your main choice and one as an alternate). So don’t get caught up in a number of different places and narrow it down to two early on.

6. Talk to people who went abroad

Despite all the resources at our disposal in this day and age on the internet, the best way to find out about if abroad is for you or a place you want to go abroad, is from people who have done it before you. For those of you thinking of abroad, you will probably find from most people who went before that they will say to go, because it really is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It is important to talk to people about their abroad experiences because you can determine if a place or a program will fit your lifestyle or personality etc. because every place and program can vary (despite what you may think).

7. Research the places you want to go

Figuring out where you want to go can be a really easy decision for some people and a really tough one for others to pick their ultimate choice. My best piece of advice when it comes to picking the place is consider the following: do you know the language? If not, can you manage? Is this a once in a lifetime opportunity to live and study in this place (is it a place you may never have been to or is not a top place you will return to)? Researching the possible destination for your study abroad experience and talking to others is the best way to answer these questions.

8. Pick a place where you don’t play it safe (or do if that’s your style)

Some people would just prefer to go to a comfortable place, and that’s fine and will be really fun. But it is normal to make yourself uncomfortable and do something completely different when it comes to studying abroad. Now by uncomfortable I do not mean, go to an obscure country with no one you know and no running water. But maybe go on a program by yourself, or go with a friend or two to a country none of you have ever been to but really would love to see. Any way you interpret this is the way to go, and I don’t think you will have any regrets.

9. In the end, go with your gut

In answering the question for where you want to go, my ultimate advice after doing the above, is to go with your gut. Your friends may push and pull you to different destinations and your older friends may want you to choose the program they went on because they had a blast and you might have gone to this place before and had a really fun time, but what it comes down to is where you really think is interesting and will be fun and a really awesome experience. Don’t play it safe and return somewhere you’ve been with your family ten times (unless you really feel that’s the way to go). For me, it came down to my gut feeling that this would be a once in a lifetime experience and really fun and a place I may never experience in my lifetime. So in the end, your gut is the way to go.

10. The Last Tip: GO ABROAD

As a senior, who just returned from my spring semester abroad (PRAGUE SHOUTOUT), I highly recommend if you’re thinking about maybe going abroad to just go and have the best time of your life…because it really is the best semester of the college experience. So get out there in the world, wherever you go, and study hard and play hard, because that is what abroad is about and everyone should experience it.

Andrea is a sociology major with minors in journalism and women's and gender studies. She is currently finishing her senior year at Brandeis University. She was born and reared in Los Angeles, CA, which does mean that she is a die-hard Laker fan… Sorry Bostonians. When Andrea is not routing on her favorite basketball team, she dedicates her time to her many passions. They include reading and writing about fashion, traveling, exploring new restaurants, spending time with friends, watching reality television (she has a weak spot for Bravo), shopping, and working out.