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Six Ways to Spend a Snow Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

1.     Call or text your worried parents and let them know that you’re alive and well.

Whether you live 15 minutes or 15 hours away from home, the bottom line is you’re not with your parents and that worries them greatly. Talk to your parents and any other concerned family members and let them know that there’s still Wi-Fi and hot water (in that order, of course).

2.     Watch a good movie.

On a day like this, few things rival curling up in your warm bed, opening up your computer, and searching about an hour to find the ~~perfect~~ movie to watch on Netflix.  


Juno, anyone?

3.     Manicures, face masks, and online shopping?!

Enough said.

4.     Catch up with your hometown friends.

If your friends back home go to school in the Northeast, chances are they won’t have school today either. Use this time to say that you’re thinking of them and hoping they’re staying safe. What if your friends go to school in the warm weather? They can take all the Snapchats of themselves on a beach in January they want, but who has class cancelled today?

We still have class off today.

5.     Get ahead (or catch up) on schoolwork.

As tempting as it might be to avoid any type of homework because it’s a SNOW DAY (!), using this time to work on papers, quizzes, and applications is a great use of today.


Can you really resist?

6.     Or, you can look at universities in Florida.  

Only half kidding.

Picture Sources:

1: Photo Courtesy of my worried mother.

2: http://www.foxsearchlight.com/media/blog_post_images/juno.jpg

3: http://hellogiggles.hellogiggles.netdna-cdn.com/wp content/uploads/2014/09/10/treatyoself.jpg?123

4: http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/my-favorite-part-of-wi…



Mya is a sophomore at Brandeis University. She is an Education major with minors in African and Afro-American Studies and Anthropology. When she’s not writing, you can find Mya playing for the Brandeis women’s soccer team or attempting to navigate Boston. She also enjoys dancing and is a firm believer that what she lacks in technique she can make up in enthusiasm. She’s originally from sunny South Florida and can frequently be seen sporting her winter coat indoors. Follow her on Instagram @myagoodman for sporadic postings of her life!
I am a Junior at Brandeis University who is passionate about writing and who loves surfing the web for useful articles and having fun doing what I like.