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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

I had the pleasure of meeting the incredible Shimon Mazor. This young man has traveled the world, helped improve countless lives, earned three fellowships (recently earning the Sorenson fellowship), and maintained a stellar GPA. When not saving the world, Shimon is either working on campus at the LTS desk, rock climbing around Massachusetts, or competing on weekends with the Brandeis Ski team. This vegan superstar was able to schedule me in and talk about all of the fantastic service organizations he is involved with.

Hometown: Petah Tiqva, Israel

Major: Economics and Computer Science

Year: 2016

Her Campus: What made you decide to attend Brandeis?

Shimon Mazor: I worked for a while after serving for the Israeli forces. I didn’t know what I wanted to study and in Israel the universities are very specific, you can only study for one field. Brandeis offered me a very good financial aid and is an incredible school. The university is well known in the Israeli community.

HC: How old are you exactly?

SM: I’m 25 and graduating in the Class of 2016. I served for the military for three years. In Israel, it is mandatory for boys to serve for 3 years and girls for 2. My term ended when I was 21. That year I traveled worked in sales and marketing management.

HC: What did do in the military?

SM: Paratrooper… so I jumped out of planes. I was also a combat soldier and commander.  

HC: Wow! That’s incredible. So what exactly is Paamonim?

SM: Paamonim is a huge Israeli non-profit organization that trains volunteers to be family guides and help support mentor families in financial debt. I was the youngest volunteer to work there (21) because of my experience in business and finances. Volunteers get assigned one family to work with for the year.

HC: What were the results with a family?

SM: Their finances drastically improved! They were able to take away skills that kept them at a great economic level. They paid their bills and took away a lot of their debt.   

HC: I understand you have a heavy involvement in WATCH? What exactly is WATCH?

SM: WATCH CDC (Community Development Corporation) is a local non-profit in Waltham that helps the immigrant and low-income community improve housing conditions and find affordable housing. I am the co-supervisor of WATCH operates a free housing clinic in which Brandeis students, under the supervision of Professor Laura Goldin, advocate for the housing rights of local Waltham residents. My first semester freshman year I took a practicum with Professor Goldin. The practicum required my class to volunteer some nights at the housing clinic. After the practicum, I continued going to the clinic helping, a along with others from Brandies, and that’s how I became the clinic supervisor.  

HC: Amazing! And I am aware that you just earned an incredible scholarship! Can you explain to the readers what exactly is the Louis D. Brandeis Social Justice WOW (World Of Work) Scholarship?

SM: It is an award that is given by the Hiatt Career Center to unpaid Social Justice internships. I applied for this position around last March. This scholarship allowed me to stay in Waltham and be a fulltime internship.

HC: What specifically is done at the housing clinic?

SM: Every Monday and Thursday evening, between 6:30- 8:30 pm, a group of Brandeis students meet with local Waltham residents in the WATCH offices by Moody street. We help the community to prevent homelessness, find local community members affordable housing, understand Massachusetts housing law, and assist with evictions and health-code violations.

HC: Has it been difficult to balance all of your service projects and schoolwork?

SM: It’s definitely hard and takes a lot of time. But it just feels natural. I have always been doing a lot and lived an active life style. The greatest feeling is seeing the people we have helped and that’s what motivates me to continue being apart of such a great organization. And I just want you to know that it’s really not about me, I am just a supervisor. This is about all of the advocates and volunteers, as well as Professor Goldin. Not to mention the support and aide provided by my fellow supervisor Molly Lortie.

HC: Now going back to your accomplishments, I’ve heard you recently received the Sorenson Fellowship!

SM: Yes I am really excited! This summer I am going to be interning at KSV (Kenya Social Ventures) working in the slums of Nairobi on helping very small businesses with micro finance and business development.  

HC: That’s fantastic! Now a big question on my mind: how was your overall transition from being in the Israeli forces to moving on campus at Brandeis?

SM: Actually the transition was fairly easy. There are a lot of ways to be reminded of Israel on campus. The community is so welcoming and everyone is so friendly. I am happy to be able to utilize all of these opportunities available campus.

Okay Shimon let’s dive into some other vital questions.

What do you like better Sherman or Usdan?

(Makes face) Usdan

What’s your favorite meal from Usdan?

Stir fry Asian Corner

Favorite movie?

Fight club

Favorite place on Brandeis?

Library ;)

Celebrity Crush?

Jessica Alba

If you met Louie Brandeis tomorrow what would say to Louie Brandeis?

Good job

Have you ever Sherman shopped?

Of course

Favorite TV show?

Games of Thrones

Our interview ended because Shimon had to dash to the LTS desk. If anyone is interested in anything that was mentioned in this interview, Shimon has graciously provided links for the service projects, fellowships, and Brandeis involvement with WATCH. This is our Campus Celebrity of the week and he truly is making an impact on campus and around the world. IF ANYONE WANTS TO GET INVOLVED PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE SHIMON:

SORENSON FELLOWSHIP: http://www.brandeis.edu/ethics/atbrandeis/sorensenfellowship/index.html

WOW SUMMER INTERNSHIP BLOGhttp://blogs.brandeis.edu/wowblog/author/shiramy/

WATCH/BRANDEIS HOUSING ADVOCACY CLINIC http://www.brandeis.edu/programs/environmental/undergrad/clinic.html

Repping the 305. From Miami to Boston. Likes: House music, Tuna Fish, Rom Coms, Sunshine Dislikes: Track, Roller coasters, Snakes
Andrea is a sociology major with minors in journalism and women's and gender studies. She is currently finishing her senior year at Brandeis University. She was born and reared in Los Angeles, CA, which does mean that she is a die-hard Laker fan… Sorry Bostonians. When Andrea is not routing on her favorite basketball team, she dedicates her time to her many passions. They include reading and writing about fashion, traveling, exploring new restaurants, spending time with friends, watching reality television (she has a weak spot for Bravo), shopping, and working out.