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Reduced, Reused, and Really Cute: The Perks of Portable Coffee Cups

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

It’s no secret that Brandeis students love their coffee. Students can be spotted anywhere and anytime with Einstein’s cups, and while the coffee and tea are delicious; the amount of plastic thrown away everyday is extraordinary. So how can you still enjoy your energy boost every time you need but help be a little more eco-friendly?

Reusable iced coffee cups are being seen more and more on campus. In addition, bringing your own cup to Einstein’s makes coffee significantly cheaper over the long run! From clear plastic cups to colorful ones and decorated ones, not only are these cups better for the environment, but they make a fashion statement.

Clear reusable cups can be bought for as low as $5 in many stores, and can then be decorated with paint or stickers to make them personalized for a cheap and environmentally friendly activity that will yield very useful results. You can even get a group of friends together that all love coffee and make friendship cups!  Just bring your cup with you in the morning, get your coffee fix, and then the cup can be stored until the next time.