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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Majors: History, Business
Minor: English
Hometown: Long Island, New York
Relationship Status: single and ready to mingle!

Her Campus: How did you choose those majors? That’s quite the combination!
Rachel Starr: I started out as Business and English but then I saw Les Mis and was reading Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet and I figured if I liked both of those I should major in History.  Business is for a job, history is for fun and English is because I like English.

HC: What are you involved in on campus?
RS: I am entertainment director for SE, a tour guide, OL, was part of Orientation Core Committee, and I hope to be an OL again my senior year. I am on the appeals board for the student conduct board, on the bookstore committee, volunteer for blood drive, and I was just in the 24 Hour Musical.

HC: When did you know you wanted to be on Core?
RS: On the boat cruise because everyone was having so much fun and I realized the core committee was the reason all the OLs and the new students had so much fun.  Originally I didn’t want to be on core or an OL but then I realized I wanted to experience new things and share all the fun I was having and my love for Brandeis.

HC: What was your favorite part about being on Core?
RS: I think my favorite part was that we all became a big orientation family.  Working with the staff was unbelievable. The fact that this leadership opportunity is available is even more amazing.  I went in to a staff member and said I want to have a mud party and she said okay how do you plan on doing it? Coming up with it myself and seeing my vision come to life was amazing. All 105 OLs were great. There isn’t just one part of orientation I love.

HC: What is your favorite moment from this past orientation, if you have one?
RS: I have two, the first one is the candlelight ceremony – 900 students showed up on the great lawn and everyone was told to be silent and I told them to write down what they hope to accomplish at Brandeis and then they lifted the candle in the air and there was a beautiful moment of silence and a great moment to self-reflect.  The other moment was when I led the pep rally and everyone loved it.  I’m happy as long as the new students had fun!

HC: When did you first get involved in Student Events?
RS: I applied second semester freshman year and my first semester sophomore year was when I started it.

HC: How has your experience been on Student Events?
RS: Amazing. We call ourselves family best friends because we do everything together, we spend a ton of time working together, sometimes it’s seventeen hours setting up events together, for the fall concert coming up we need to work from 8 in the morning to 2 in the morning so we become best friends. It’s like orientation you have people excited to be at Brandeis and have fun things to do and there is nothing better than planning an event and working out the logistics and seeing your vision come to life and people enjoying it.

HC: What has your favorite event been?
RS: It’s hard to say because they are so different, we have events everyone comes to and ones students happen upon.  I guess all of them, but the ones where people come up and say great job student events are my favorite ones.

HC: I know you have a horse nearby, when did you first get involved in horse riding?
RS: I started riding when I was eight and I got Harley my junior year in High School. He’s the greatest thing in the whole world.  Since I’m involved in so much at Brandeis I just need some me time so I’ll go and spend time there and leave my phone in the car.  He’s how I relax and recharge.

HC: What is your favorite part about Brandeis?
RS: It has to be the people and the leadership opportunities. Where else can you go and spend 24 hours putting together a show and meet 130 new friends? The people here are so amazing and come up with so many great ideas, like Liquid Latex and the 24 Hour Musical, I just love them.

HC: What was your favorite part about the 24 Hour Musical?
RS: I know in the 24 Hour you are expected to make mistakes and I was so nervous but at one point everyone on stage forgot the words to the Mob Song and we were laughing and the audience was laughing and I loved being around people who could just laugh, it was really relaxing.

HC: What is your way to de-stress?
RS: I like taking friends to see Harley and spending more time there with them showing them they have a place to go off campus. 

HC: What is one quirk about you people don’t know?
RS: when I am going through a situation I narrate them in my head sometimes like I’m reading a story on my life to help me think it through.

HC: What is something people don’t know when they first see you?
RS: A lot people are so shocked I have the energy for everything I do but it’s because I have the most amazing dad in the world.  I do all these things and he is so proud of that and so happy that I got campus celeb so thanks for that!  

I am a Junior at Brandeis University who is passionate about writing and who loves surfing the web for useful articles and having fun doing what I like. 
Rachel is a junior math major and premed student at Brandeis University. She is an EMT and recently joined her school's EMS squad. When she's not busy studying, she enjoys blogging, watching sitcoms, drawing zentangles, folding origami, and eating chocolate.