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A New Beginning For Brandeis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

On March 31st, around 1,500 people piled into Gosman to witness the inauguration of Frederick Martin Lawrence. I walked into the gym to see the entire place decked out in blue. Professors and distinguished guests wore cloaks of different colors and styles, each indicating their different scholarly achievements. Student ushers were formally dressed, and Student Union representatives were fully robed in graduation cloaks and hats. Feeling underdressed and like I was back at my high school graduation; I took my seat.

The first half of the inauguration consisted of formalities and official hoo-ha. It began with a presentation of all the important people involved with Brandeis and it’s affairs. As I looked around, it was interesting to see students waving to professors because it was truly an indication that as a small school, we have the opportunity to build close relationships with the Brandeis faculty. The Board of Trustees, faculty, Alumni Association, and the Fellows (to quote the lady sitting next to me, “Who are they?”) all welcomed Fred with heart-warming speeches and anecdotes. However, it was Fred’s inauguration speech that stood out above the rest. Not only did his friendliness, dedication, and general fondness for Brandeis shine through, but he was also able to capture the essence of what Brandeis means. To him, Brandeis is the response to the Westborough Baptist Church, a challenge of love against hatred. Brandeis is about finding a mentor, and becoming a mentor. Brandeis is a school rooted in nondiscrimination, social justice, and the commitment of the liberal arts and sciences. In Fred’s words, “We rock”. 

Despite the fact that there were more people in the gym for the inauguration than what I’ve ever seen at, say,  a Brandeis basketball game, there was a huge feel of campus community. Dignified speakers all referred to him as “Fred”, Daniel Acheampong reiterated the presence that Fred has made on campus (Battle of the DJs, anyone?), and Fred himself mentioned how much, to him, Brandeis is family.

If you were stuck in class on Thursday here are things you may have missed:

  • Fred Lawrence singing along to “America (My Country, ‘Tis of Thee)” until the song hit a high note, to which he responded with silence and a giggle. Cute, much?
  • Northwestern University’s President jabbing at our (lack of a) football program saying that Lawrence would not have to worry about following our team, among his many other duties.
  • Fred pausing mid-speech to give an emotional hug to Jehuda Reinharz, our former President.
  • Fred’s wife, Kathy, and his two children, Miriam and Noah, sitting in the front row looking much less awkward than in their holiday video.
  • Daniel Acheampong, President of the Student Union, reminding us of Fred’s rap battle at the Battle of the DJs.

Ultimately, the inauguration was wholly optimistic, pointing to an uplifting future filled with pride, attainable goals, and a clear vision. After having seen Fred speak for myself, I can honestly say that good things are coming our way, and our community is welcoming the Lawrences gladly into our lives.


Abigail Katznelson is a Senior at Brandeis University studying Economics and Psychology. She recently joined the Her Campus Team and is so excited to have been recognized by Brandeis as an official charter! She is a member of the Brandeis Student Union, Creative Advertising Director for Student Events, and the Vice President of Sigma Delta Tau Delta Gamma Chapter. Her interests include singing, shopping, writing and exploring exotic foods. She will attend Brandeis’ International Business School next year as a participant in Brandeis’ 5-Year Masters program in International Finance.