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My Brandeis Bucket List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Each fall marks a new beginning for collegiettes nationwide. However, for me and the rest of the Class of 2013, this fall marks the beginning of the last year of this epic four-year experience called college. 

Looking back on the last three years, I smile at the memories of fun and slightly delirious all-nighters, numerous coffee dates, and days spent exploring new corners of beautiful Boston. I could write on and on about the exorbitant number of minutes spent trekking up and down the hills of the Brandeis campus, panting up the dreaded Rabb steps, attempting not to trip and slip down the East Quad hill on my way to get free printing at the Intercultural Center.

Yep, I’ve had my share of the Brandeis/Boston experience, but I believe there’s always more to see, more to do– which is why I created:

My Brandeis Bucket List: Things I plan to do before I bid farewell in May 2013

1. Go apple picking- done! (Student Events has an annual apple-picking event every Fall and provides transportation to the orchard and back).
2. Go to Salem on Halloween
3. Swim at the reservoir
4. Grab good friends and good food for a picnic by the Charles River
5. Kayak/canoe down the Charles River
6. Perform in MELA (South Asian culture show), K-Nite (Korean culture show), and Culture X one last time
7. Attend my first Chabad Purim Party at the Rabbi’s House (I know… I’m kind of late on this one)
8. Take a picture with the Louis Brandeis statue
9. Tandem skydive again (The Skydiving Club helps to subsidize the cost for Brandeis students. Take advantage!)
10. Walk on the frozen Masell Quad pond (just along the edge… don’t want to fall in!)
11. Sled down the hill by the library
12. Co-pilot a plane with the Flying Club
13. Check out a Red Sox/Bruins/Celtics game
14. Bonfire/campfire in Sachar Woods
15. Explore more restaurants on Moody Street (I have yet to try Solea and Margarita’s.)
16. Attend a Shabbat dinner (with Hillel or Chabad, I’m open to either)
17. Explore the Castle (the tunnels, the roof)
18. Take a yoga class with the Yoga Club, and try hot yoga at the Waltham Power Yoga Studio
19. Venture to Walden Pond and visit Henry David Thoreau’s cabin
20. Perform a poetry piece at an open mic at BOMS (Brandeis Open Mic Series)
21. Attend/perform in Liquid Latex
22. Check out current exhibits at the Rose Art on campus, the Museum of Fine Arts, and other museums

I hope my fellow Brandeisians will be inspired by this list and make an effort to do new and exciting things each week, each month, each semester. These four years of college are a special time of discovery: discovery of new friends, of new hobbies and talents, of new aspirations. Seize the day, because you only live once (of course I had to slip that one in). What have you done during your time here? Any suggestions for activities I should add to the list?

P.S. Friends with a Posse scholar? Ask them about the annual Posse Plus Retreat. It’s a weekend of insightful discussion revolving around a very current and real theme (for example Race, Socioeconomics, Religion, etc.) and how topics and issues related affect life on campus and in the “real world”. Probably one of the best experiences you can have at Brandeis, and a fantastic way to meet dynamic and inspirational individuals.

Andrea is a sociology major with minors in journalism and women's and gender studies. She is currently finishing her senior year at Brandeis University. She was born and reared in Los Angeles, CA, which does mean that she is a die-hard Laker fan… Sorry Bostonians. When Andrea is not routing on her favorite basketball team, she dedicates her time to her many passions. They include reading and writing about fashion, traveling, exploring new restaurants, spending time with friends, watching reality television (she has a weak spot for Bravo), shopping, and working out.