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Midyear Orientation 2016: An OL’s Perspective

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

From January 5th to the 13th, I experienced one of the most exciting, busy, energetic, and exhausting experiences of my Brandeis career to date.  That, of course, was being an OL for this year’s Midyear Orientation.  While it is nearly impossible to put this experience into a succinct amount of words, I’m going to attempt a recap of this incredible time.

It all started with a few days of OL training. All 21 OLs spent practically 12 hours a day in the SCC MPR (with a few exceptions including a hilarious trip to Launch Trampoline Park!) preparing tirelessly for the arrival of the midyears. In addition to learning all we could about facilitating and the scheduling of events, we spent a lot of time bonding to the point where we became extremely close-knit. This was one of my favorite parts of my experience. I loved getting to know all the OLs, and consider myself lucky to have these amazing people as my friends. We really became a little family and that was definitely the highlight of the experience for me.

When Friday January 8th arrived, we woke up bright and early to meet the midyears! Move-in was a balmy 30 degrees (a major improvement from last year where it dipped into the negatives), but the excitement and energy kept me warm (not to mention my 4 layers of clothing). After a smooth move-in, we finally broke into OL groups and began what would be a fun-filled five days of orienting the midyears.  In order to not make this article a million pages with stories and anecdotes (because I could), I’m going to give a brief day-by-day recap of the ensuing action.

Friday the 8th: 

  • Move-in!
  • Morrie’s Lodge Karaoke and Cocoa where OLs and midyears alike showed off their musical talents
  • Cookie Decorating and Mean Girls in the Village TV Lounge—enough said.

Saturday the 9th:

  • Learning about wellness and academics at Brandeis with some powerful presentations and some trips to Gosman
  • A powerful diversity program that allowed midyears and OLs explore their own identities, learn about other’s identities and experiences, and confront the stereotypes we may face
  • Light up the Night—the first time the candle lighting ceremony has been done in Midyear Orientation. This was a beautiful and moving ceremony that brought the midyear class together.
  • Midyears and OLs got classy for a Midyear Ball featuring a yummy buffet dinner and a fun photo booth
  • We boarded buses and ventured into Boston for Shear Madness, a hilarious comedy murder-mystery featuring improv and tons of laughs

Sunday the 10th:

  • We played the Giving Game in order to learn more about philanthropy and what it means to give
  • The Waltham community of individuals with and without disabilities descended upon Gosman as the midyears and OLs put on the annual Volunteerfest carnival filled with snacks, music, games, and a photo booth. It was fun for all, and a great introduction to community service at Brandeis!
  • Roll ‘Deis Roll was a spirited pep rally where the Blue and White teams battled it out in games like Tug O’ War, Doughnut Eating, and a Dance-off!
  • This is Our House—the midyears got to experience this unique Brandeis tradition
  • Ice ‘Deis Baby: the first dance of midyear orientation! Midyears and OLs partied it up with mocktails and music. Per usual, the OLs had to break out some of their choreographed dances!

Midyears and OLs at Volunteerfest

Monday the 11th:

  • A powerful day in which the OLs and midyears underwent bystander training and experienced the Speak About It program in order to learn about consent, healthy relationships, and being safe in college
  • Chums hosted a Midyear Talent show where midyears showed off skills like amazing singing, funny dances, and moving poetry
  • Movie Night in Mandel featured Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and tons of candy

Tuesday the 12th:

  • We all met incoming University President Ron Liebowitz and even did the Midyear Rumble for him!
  • SSIS was informative and entertaining as always
  • A few OLs who were also midyears (including myself!) answered any and all questions in a panel-style presentation
  • We wrapped up orientation with a delicious Ice Cream Social with the Roosevelt Fellows!

Overall, Midyear Orientation 2016 and being a midyear OL was one of the best experiences of my Brandeis career to date. I loved meeting all of the OLs and the new midyears, and teaching them all about Brandeis while we shared stories and created connections. WELCOME TO BRANDEIS MIDYEAR CLASS OF 2019!

I am a double major in Anthropology and International/Global Studies with a minor in Creativity, the Arts, and Social Transformation at Brandeis University. As a native Southern Californian, I have a born passion for avocados and an innate dread of cold weather. In my free time I love cooking (with avocados of course), drawing and writing.