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Jason Dick ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

 Only seconds after arriving for his interview, Jason admits a (not so secret) character trait that instantly set the tone for the rest of our conversation. “I LOVE embarrassing myself,” he said. Hold for applause. I mean, what better quality could you ask for? As a performer, always in the public eye, Jason is not afraid to put himself out there, which is a highly admirable quality. As a fan of Sara Bareilles, the lone red-head in Starving Artist, and a guy who doesn’t always know exactly how to get away with mooning someone, Jason is a cutie that can’t be ignored. If you haven’t met Jason, you’re missing out, because not only is he a genuine person, but he may also boost your popularity a few points (we couldn’t get through more than two questions at a time without someone stopping to say hi to him – hello, celebrity!).
Name:Jason Michael Dick
Hometown:Westchester, New York
Major:HSSP (and maybe a Theater Arts major or minor eventually)
On-campus activities:Starving Artists (a cappella), Wild Party, Rent, Urinetown, volunteer for the blood drive, Orientation Leader, Hooked on Tap, 24 hour musical, worker in the Office of Student Financial and Academic Services (Hi, my name is Jason, how can I help you?)
Favorite book:A Thousand Splendid Suns – Khaled Hosseini
Favorite movie:Forrest Gump and A Beautiful Mind
Current favorite song:Gravity by Sara Bareilles
Your friends would describe you in 3 words as…funny, weird, and caring
Favorite place you’ve travelled to:Charleston, South Carolina. It’s one of the most beautiful cities I’ve even seen. It’s just so well maintained, there are buildings from 200 years ago, and you can just go to the dock and watch dolphins all day.
When not in class, you’re…Rehearsing, hanging out with friends, having laughs and fun times, and making memories.
Describe your most embarrassing moment: There’s so many! One time, I pulled my pants down to moon someone and accidentally showed too much. I guess I ‘balled’ them.
An interesting fact people don’t know about you:I’m a first generation college student, I have a really small bladder, and apparently I have no boundaries!
Three things you can’t live without:Music, my Google calendar, and my iPhone
Where on campus do you feel most at home?Wherever I’m surrounded by my really good friends or Starving Artists.
What are you most looking forward to this year at Brandeis?The karma gods owe me big time because I got a terrible lottery number last year, so when lottery numbers come out, I’ll get an awesome number.
Favorite snack food: Nature Valley bars and bananas
Ideal date: I don’t care where it is, but I want it to end up walking through a city like Boston at night along the water.
If you had one wish, what would it be? I want more wishes (6 ½ specifically)
Thoughts on Lady Gaga: Well, this is gonna take a while. I really liked her first album, but I hate her new one and I think that I’m conflicted – I like her but I find her obnoxious.
Shows you’ve been in: Into the Woods, Rent (twice!), Tommy, The Sound of Music, and The Crucible.
Favorite aspect about Brandeis: Everyone is able to and does do so many different things and I love that I can be in Starving Artists and also volunteer for [the] blood drive and still have time to pass my classes.
Boxers or briefs: Both but not at the same time, I switch it up. Sometimes I don’t wanna feel constricted, and other times…well…

Andrea is a sociology major with minors in journalism and women's and gender studies. She is currently finishing her senior year at Brandeis University. She was born and reared in Los Angeles, CA, which does mean that she is a die-hard Laker fan… Sorry Bostonians. When Andrea is not routing on her favorite basketball team, she dedicates her time to her many passions. They include reading and writing about fashion, traveling, exploring new restaurants, spending time with friends, watching reality television (she has a weak spot for Bravo), shopping, and working out.