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Israel Week! A Reason to Celebrate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Photo Credit: Aliza Goldstein and Carolina Lopez Herz

Yom ha’atzmaut sameach! Didn’t take Hebrew 10A and having trouble translating? (Don’t worry, we needed help too). Happy Israeli Independence Day! This week, Brandeis is taking the time to recognize and celebrate Israel’s independence, and us HerCampus Girls can’t wait!

Students of all different backgrounds got together to plan a great week of commemoration, celebration, and excitement in an attempt to get those of us who don’t know much about Israel excited and interested in a place that is so near and dear to many of our classmates’ hearts. Festivities for the week include a Hillel Israel Shabbat that took place on Friday April 16, a speaker and performance on Monday April 19, a carnival on the Great Lawn on Tuesday April 20, and Chabad Israel Shabbat on Friday April 23. The events are open to all students and will be loads of fun! Can’t make them all? Don’t worry, stopping by at even one event will give you a great taste of the Israeli flavor we all love.

So put on your blue and white, grab a falafel, blast “Hatikvah” and get pumped for Israel week!

Abigail Katznelson is a Senior at Brandeis University studying Economics and Psychology. She recently joined the Her Campus Team and is so excited to have been recognized by Brandeis as an official charter! She is a member of the Brandeis Student Union, Creative Advertising Director for Student Events, and the Vice President of Sigma Delta Tau Delta Gamma Chapter. Her interests include singing, shopping, writing and exploring exotic foods. She will attend Brandeis’ International Business School next year as a participant in Brandeis’ 5-Year Masters program in International Finance.