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Andrew Darnell ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Most know him as DJ Venti, but Andrew Darnell is quite the individual. With an interest in medical research and all things music, Darnell is the man. Her Campus got the pleasure of sitting down in the Green Room with DJ Venti for some quality finals banter and of course an interview:

HC: Why did you first come to Brandeis?
AD:I got into UConn Maryland and Brandeis–Brandeis seemed like the best party school…

HC:What is your favorite thing about Brandeis?
AD:Always seeing different friends around campus involved with various activities. It’s awesome how involved everyone is.

HC: What activities are you involved in on campus and what is your favorite one?
AD: WBRS, I volunteer at blood drives, I do research in a bio lab on campus, and I DJ a lot of campus events in Levin Ballroom.(DJ Venti, like me on Facebook!)

HC: What is your favorite class and why?
AD: Organic Chemistry.

HC: What is your favorite food of all time?
AD: Either a cheesesteak from Carl’s or an Eagle’s Deli burger.

HC:If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
AD:I would love to check out Rome, I’ve heard it’s beautiful, and I have some italian blood in me. I went once when I was younger, but don’t really remember it. Plus the food there is great.

HC: Ideally, what are you most interested in doing when you graduate?
AD: Either medical school or grad school. I want to eventually do clinical research.