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Alex Stoyle ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Hometown: Goffstown, New Hampshire

Major/Minor: Business major/ sculpture minor

Year: 2014

Her Campus: So you’re a sculpture minor, why did you choose that?

Alex Stoyle: I like creating things and working with my hands. I hate when people say this, but I also really like art.


HC: What are you involved with on campus?

AS: I’m on the basketball team and I work at the gym. I also work at a startup company off campus.

HC: What is the startup company you work for?

AS: It’s called Topo athletic. We make running and training shoes. We launched our first shoes in July and now they are in 150 stores nationwide.


HC: What’s your favorite part of being on the basketball team?

AS: My favorite part of being on the basketball team is playing in games. I honestly hate practice but I live to play in games. I love the pressure and the rush of it all, it’s a lot of fun. I also love my team. We’ve been through a lot together and they are a good group of guys.


HC: What do you like to do in your free time?

AS: I don’t have a lot of free time at school but when I do I like going to concerts and hanging out with my friends. When I’m free over the summer I love playing golf, riding my motorcycle, and sometimes I like to paint. I’m really tight with my whole family and I love spending time with all of them and my three dogs.


HC: So how tall are you?

AS: 6’7

HC: What’s it like being 6’7?

AS: It’s like being any other person except a little further off the ground.


HC: Do you have any hidden talents?

AS: I’m actually a semi-professional height guesser, I challenge anyone to ask me to guess his or her height, I will be within an inch. If I don’t get it, you get a prize. I’m also a pretty good cook.


HC: Favorite class you’ve taken at Brandeis?

AS: Functions of the capitalist enterprise with Ed Bayone. It made me realize I wanted to be a business major. I really enjoyed marketing management with Grace Zimmerman and Entrepreneurship with Chuck Reed. I also enjoy classes with Chris Frost.


HC: Favorite place to eat on campus?

AS: For me, it’s not about the place, it’s about the people. I’m friends with Caesar at the grill station in upper, Janet who is currently at Starbucks, and Maurine in Olin-Sang- we’ve been tight since her days at Sherman. And I love the ladies at Dominicks.


HC: Favorite place to eat off campus?

AS: Again, for me it’s not about the place it’s the people. I really enjoy how the people at Carl’s treat me like garbage. If it weren’t for their amazing food I would never go there. Also I’m a huge prime deli guy.


HC: Favorite movie?

AS: Good will hunting

HC: Favorite TV show?

AS: Game of thrones, Curb your enthusiasm and Seinfeld, Breaking Bad

HC: Favorite artist?

AS: George Lewis Jr., aka Twin Shadow

HC: Favorite sport to watch/play?

AS: Football/ Golf and intramural softball, my team is back to back Brandeis IM champs.

HC: Favorite teams?

AS: Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, and the Judges of course.

HC: Favorite food?

AS: I love all food, I don’t discriminate. If I had to choose, I guess the Kamikaze from Carl’s is at the top of my list.

HC: Favorite physical trait about yourself?

AS: Hair and eyebrows.


HC: What do you look for in a girl?

AS: Intellectual, sense of humor, and I like a girl who will keep me in line.

HC: What physically attracts you to a girl?

AS: The way she carries herself, her eyes, and not too much makeup

HC: What’s your Ideal date?

AS: Dinner in Boston and walking around the city to get to know the person


HC: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

AS: If I could go anywhere, I would go on a motorcycle trip across Asia and Europe.


HC: What do you want to be when you grow up?

AS: I like the idea of working in smaller start-up companies especially in the marketing field. I’d love to start my own company someday as well.

Andrea is a sociology major with minors in journalism and women's and gender studies. She is currently finishing her senior year at Brandeis University. She was born and reared in Los Angeles, CA, which does mean that she is a die-hard Laker fan… Sorry Bostonians. When Andrea is not routing on her favorite basketball team, she dedicates her time to her many passions. They include reading and writing about fashion, traveling, exploring new restaurants, spending time with friends, watching reality television (she has a weak spot for Bravo), shopping, and working out.