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10 Truths Every Person With Long Hair Knows

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Washing your hair is a serious production and it only happens a couple times a week.  You undoubtedly schedule specific hair washing days.    

Brushing your hair is the arm workout of the century.  Seriously, how is it possible to have so many knots?  

Shedding is a serious problem.  You could probably rival a cat in the shedding department.

Taking your hair down from a tight ponytail or topknot feels AMAZING.  

Wind is not your friend.  It will probably leave you looking like this: 

The amount of money you spend on products to tame your hair is upsetting.  

People are always asking if they can braid your hair.  

On a good hair day you feel like this: 

But on a bad hair day you just want to do this:

At the end of the day no matter how annoying your hair can be, you secretly know it’s fabulous.  

I am a double major in Anthropology and International/Global Studies with a minor in Creativity, the Arts, and Social Transformation at Brandeis University. As a native Southern Californian, I have a born passion for avocados and an innate dread of cold weather. In my free time I love cooking (with avocados of course), drawing and writing.