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10 Signs You Come From a Big Family

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

1. There’s no such thing as too much noise.

2. Most of your physical pain is from your siblings.

3. You always have someone to hang out with.

4. The smallest car in the garage is an 8-seat Suburban. But there are strict rules for seating.

5. The birthday cake has to serve at least 15.

6. You’ve been called a twin at least once.

7. Nothing will ever go your way. Ever.

8. The stampede down the steps at meal time will never get any easier.

9. The fight for warm water during showers because there will be at least another person showering at the same time as you.

10. You fight with your siblings at least once a day, but in the end, you know you’re best friends.