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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

Where is the love?

How do you know that it is something that you have?

Or is it supposed to be in what you do?

Where is the love for you?

Something that you can’t find, but can feel.

Something that you show but can’t see.

Something that can heal,

And likes to seek.

So easy to find love, but hard to find true love.

So easy to look for a lover, but so hard to create a healthy couple.

So easy to find someone to laugh with, but so hard to find a person when you struggle. 

So easy to define a love, but hard to find true love. 

Where is the emotion that you wanted to feel?

Where is the love that makes it real?

Where is the feeling that makes it hard to steal?

Where is the warmth of the love that wouldn’t make you ill?

Rose Marie Godoy

Bradley U '25

Computer Science || Bradley University '25 || Poem Writer || ΣΔΤ || Tiktok: flowery_1234 || IG: flowery.111