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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

I love seeing everyone’s Spotify Wrapped, and I wish people would be able to post them throughout the year. If you wait patiently each year for your Spotify Wrapped to come out, don’t wait any longer! Stats.fm is an app that caters to the modern need for quick, rewarding information, and it’s all about your Spotify statistics (coming out for Apple Music soon).

The Stats.fm app focuses on real-time updates to highlight your top listened to songs, artists and albums. You can sort these categories by different date timelines, such as, the past month, 6 months, year or any date range you choose. 

There are so many interesting features like top genres and the number of minutes you have listened to, but my favorite is the ability to connect with friends. I’ve encouraged most of my close friends who have Spotify and enjoy music to download the app. You can follow other users and view their listening patterns too, like what they’ve recently played, how many minutes they listen to, what their top genres are, and more. 

There is even a social media aspect to the app because you can connect with people you don’t know through the Soulmates feature, which matches people with compatible music taste. I love looking through similar profiles to mine and discovering new music. Unfortunately, this app only works with music, and does not include podcast statistics. 

If you download Stats.fm it’s definitely worth it to pay $5 (no subscription) to access the full features of this app. It isn’t something you download once and forget about; I check it at least once a day. Whether it’s looking at something my friend is listening to or seeing how many minutes I’ve listened for the month, I really enjoy using this app and I hope you will too!

Morgan Casey

Bradley U '23

Morgan is studying marketing at Bradley University with minors in professional writing and business analytics. After college she plans on pursuing a career that involves brand marketing.