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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

Trigger Warning: This article will be talking about sexual assault.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. I found that when I hear a song that relates to my situation I find it’s easier to heal.

My freshman year on campus I was sexually assaulted by someone I trusted. I found it difficult to talk about it until I started listening to music that related to my situation. This list is based off my experience, but these songs were the ones that spoke to me the most and why.

“Snow Angel” by Reneé Rapp

This song highlights losing your identity, but powering though and surviving. I felt like it was speaking to me to keep going and not to let this event define me. Here are just two of the lyrics that spoke to me: “Look in the mirror she looks like me but half alive and twice as weak” and “I’ll make it through the winter if it kills me.”

“How could you” by Jessie Murph

This one walks you through a story of trusting someone, letting them in and then they take advantage of you. I found this one to be the most impactful because it talks about her experience being gaslighted and her knowing it wasn’t her fault. As a survivor I found this one to really help with the healing process plus it was basically identical to my story.

“praying” by kesha

This song didn’t help me until the accepting stage, but it puts into words how even though they did something terrible to me, I still hope they change for the next person. I know that might not be the same for everyone, but I found that it helped me accept what happened. I feel proud of who I am because I overcame that situation.

“hold my hand” by lady gaga

I’ve grown to love this song because it’s like a blanket of comfort. She sings about letting your feelings show because you have someone in your corner. This was one of the songs that made me feel like I was able to talk about my experience. Because of this song I started to look for the people in my life who would be the ones to hold my hand.

“rise” by katy perry

This became an anthem to me, it’s about strength and not giving up. I listen to this daily to remind myself that I get to choose what defines me, not the events I had no control over.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, you can call the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673) or visit hotline.rainn.org.

Ann McManus

Bradley U '25

Hey!! My name is Ann and I'm a junior journalism major with a minors in creative writing and political science. As you can tell I love to write, but when I'm not, my favorite activities to is reading, crocheting, or catching up on my favorite shows/movies.<3