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“Bones and All,” a Movie Review

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

I am the kind of person who will listen to crime podcasts to fall asleep, watch horror movies by myself and not care about how gory or scary something is. However, after watching the film “Bones and All” directed by Luca Guadagnino, starring Timothee Chalamet and Taylor Russel, I was truly disturbed. 

Right off the bat, the film begins with the female main character, Maren, sneaking out of her house to a sleepover. When I thought things are going pretty well and expected, that’s when Maren bites the skin off of her friend’s finger. Yes, you read that right, this movie is about cannibals. After this scene, we find out that some people in the world are “Eaters” and most are not. However, Eaters can sniff out other Eaters and can find one another from a great distance. Apparently, they can’t help themselves, almost as if they are vampires, but instead of blood, they eat flesh *insert vomit emoji*. 

When Maren finds her true love, Lee, they join forces and begin killing and eating others. In total, there are about five kills in the film. In all the kills, the audience sees every disturbing moment, including flesh tearing. If you don’t like graphic content, then, in my opinion, try looking away during all the kills. 

Besides the murder, I don’t think the storyline was all that bad. I liked the main characters and following them through their very strange relationship. They actually have real family problems too, but it’s very hard to admit to liking the movie when I have to sit through cannibals murdering people. 

To me, the ending was a twist that I was not mentally ready for, and it was a gory one. If I had to rate this film, I would give it a 3/10 because I wouldn’t watch it again. I felt nauseous during certain scenes and it was a very strange concept. However, the acting quality was good and the main characters’ relationship itself was the most enjoyable part. Enjoy the movie!

Becky Rose

Bradley U '23

Hello! My name is Becky Rose and I am a nutrition and dietetics major at Bradley University. I have a passion for sharing with others about how to improve their health and wellness and cannot wait to share more through my writing for other students. Follow me on Instagram @becky32301 to get to know me more!