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Sara Carte / Spoon
Culture > Entertainment

3 Movies You Should Watch Because I Said So

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

While I do love making themed lists, sometimes some movies just fall through the cracks. That is why I have three movie recommendations you should watch just because I said so. I plan on writing more of these in the future, so keep an eye out for those articles.

“American Beauty” 

After hearing a bunch of positive reviews on this movie I was still honestly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Not only was this movie shot beautifully but the story was extremely well-written also. It has similar vibes to “Donnie Darko” in my opinion, but if “Donnie Darko” was set in reality and a struggling middle-aged man. Overall, “American Beauty” was such an interesting movie and I believe it is 100% worth the watch.

“Meet The Parents”

I remember watching “Meet the Parents” when I was on a huge Ben Stiller kick and this movie did not disappoint. “Meet the Parents” had me audibly laughing at some points and has probably become my second favorite Ben Stiller movie. Not to mention the cast in this movie is unbeatable and they all worked so well together. After watching this movie I ended up watching the whole trilogy, and it’s definitely worth watching at least once.

“Sorry to Bother You”

Did this movie make me scared of horses? Yeah, a little bit, but this movie is just unbeatable. It is incredibly original and entertaining while sharing a very real and important message. This movie keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time with an ending that puts your jaw on the floor. “Sorry to Bother You” is such a great movie that deserves to be watched and enjoyed.

sophmore – 20 – keeping it simple – movie enjoyer