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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

There is just something about watching horror movies during the fall that makes them 100% more enjoyable. This is why I have three special horror movies I want to watch before Halloween. Also, who knows, maybe you’ll see one of these movies on a future recommendation list.

“Creep” (2014)

“Creep” is a psychological horror movie about a videographer with a very strange client. This movie is also found footage — which I’m always a sucker for. I have also seen a lot of stuff about this movie online, and I am so excited to see it. I am worried this movie might not live up to the hype though, considering it’s made by Blumhouse Productions. Blumhouse movies, in my opinion, are usually just alright. While they do have franchises such as “Paranormal Activity” and “Insidious” a lot of their movies are just okay. Pushing my uneasiness about Blumhouse movies aside, I’m still very excited to watch this movie.

“Possum” (2018)

Now, the only thing I know about this movie is everyone seemed to be obsessed with it last year. A lot of people were calling it terrifying — based on the poster alone, it does seem pretty scary. I’m not watching it for the scares though, I’m just watching it so I can have an opinion on it. This might make me sound annoying, but it’s true. I’m still excited to watch this movie though, and I hope it’s as scary as everyone was making it out to be.

“Possession” (1981)

This movie has been on my watch list for a while now, and I am honestly surprised I haven’t seen it yet. Over the past year, there have been so many “Possession” TikToks on my FYP, and every time I see one, I tell myself I need to watch it. I think the main reason why I haven’t seen it yet is because I am nervous I won’t like it as much as I think I will. There’s only one way to find out though, which is why I can’t wait to watch “Possession” this year.

sophmore – 20 – keeping it simple – movie enjoyer