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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

If you couldn’t tell from the overabundance of the words “Brittany Broski” in the article title, today I will be discussing Brittany Broski’s The Broski Report. This podcast deals with what hilarious and witty host Brittany Broski is up to, including “what she is currently obsessing over, learning about, crying about, etc.” (Spotify). I have recently started listening to these episodes, and I am not joking when I say that my life has been changed. 

You may recognize Brittany Broski as “kombucha girl” from her viral TikTok video, where she tries the drink and remarks about its taste. This was back in 2019, and since then, Broski has become a growing internet sensation on both YouTube and TikTok. She has 1.68 million subscribers on YouTube and 7.4 million followers on TikTok. Fans of Broski are promptly called “Broski Nation.” Since then, she has made appearances in Paper Magazine, Super Bowl commercials, Comedy Central, MTV, and has several brand deals with well-known companies. 

The Broski Report was first launched on May 16, 2023, and there are currently 23 episodes, released each Tuesday. Broski’s wild personality makes this podcast easy to listen to or watch throughout my day. Her jokes and endless wit never fail to make me laugh, even when discussing serious topics. Listening to one of these episodes mirrors what my internal monologue sounds like on a daily basis. 

Broski’s engaging personality draws me into each episode, even with my terrible attention span. She has the ability to keep me entertained for a 50-minute episode where she talks about anything and everything. 

The first episode that I listened to was “4: Rosalía Crash Course”, which entails a breakdown of Spanish singer-songwriter Rosalía’s album, El Mal Querer. In this episode, Broski described and analyzed the entire album and the journey that Rosalía takes her listeners on throughout each song. Broski translated several lines and deeply analyzed the complexity and emotion behind the music on the album. Although copyright issues prevented her from playing the music during the episode, I fully digested it in one go as soon as the video was finished. I had listened to a few songs from the album before, but after hearing Broski’s dissection of each song, it opened my eyes and ears to the complex and prodigious piece of art that El Mal Querer is. In her other episodes, The Broski Report has introduced me to new music and has informed me about the symbolic and implicit details I may have missed on my first listen. 

On another note, I am cracking up for the duration of these videos in almost every episode. She has this insane ability to have such a sincere and scholarly discussion about the faults and flaws in today’s society and then completely switch it up to a completely different topic. Even when discussing serious matters, like her emotional reaction to America Ferrera’s meaningful speech in the Barbie movie and why she left the Christian Church, she will find a way to sneak in a joke. Her neverending comical personality takes you on an emotional rollercoaster throughout each and every episode, which is why I love her so much. Watching one of her videos feels as if I am on FaceTime with one of my best friends, just talking about whatever comes to mind at the moment. She talks about her recent obsessions, mostly Call of Duty men in her most recent videos, events she has gone to, and future plans. She makes sure each member of “Broski Nation” feels welcomed and included, so long as they follow the several rules and laws she has enforced. I highly recommend listening to The Broski Report by Brittany Broski if you love all things pop culture or just want to genuinely laugh and be silly.

Carolyn Engle

Bowling Green '26

Carolyn Engle is a sophomore studying AYA Integrated Social Studies Education at BGSU. She spends her free time reading, writing, hanging out with friends, baking, and listening to music. She is a huge fan of Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, & Olivia Rodrigo!