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Life > Experiences

“Unslumping yourself”: Ways I Get My Motivation Back

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

It’s that time of the year when motivation hits the ground and you start to enter the Spring slump. I know since coming back from break and summer being a month away, it feels like it takes so much energy to even open an assignment. I know we all have been there and we all feel it. So here are some ways I pull myself out of a slump and get my motivation back.

The first thing I like to do is set aside time for myself. Usually, when I start to get burnt out I notice it’s because I am not taking time for myself; I am giving so much of myself for everything else in my life but not giving enough of myself for me. With that being said, I take time to have a self-check-in. For me, that looks like having quiet time and talking to myself. For you, that could look like anything you make it.

The second thing I do to get myself out of a slump is do or find new things that make me happy. That looks like reading a romance book because yes those are my guilty pleasures. I love a good reality show with my bestie. We recently devoured Love is Blind season 6, and I highly recommend it. Another thing I like to do that makes me happy is spending time with those I love. They really help get my energy and motivation back up.

Lastly, I love to romanticize life. I like to do “spend the day with me” with my close friends on Instagram. Find cute new study spots around campus. I also love to “reinvent” my devices. Find cute new wallpapers, clean out my apps, and add a new case! Romanticizing my life helps my motivation and gets me excited about school again.

These are ways I help myself get out of a slump, I hope this can inspire you to try some of them out or do them how they fit you and your personality. The end of the semester is always the hardest, we are so close to finishing. I hope everyone can get out of their slump and get their motivation back up so we can have a good end to the semester.

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Wynter Smith

Bowling Green '26

Hi guys! My name is Wynter, I am a second-year student at Bowling Green State University. I am from Cleveland Oh. My major is political science with a minor in women’s gender and sexuality studies. I have hopes of going to law school to pursue my dream of becoming an attorney. I am involved with the Thompson scholars on the BGSU campus! That includes being a part of the leadership team. Specifically, I am on the service committee. This means I help create service events for other Thompson scholars and help run some of them when needed. I am also a barista at the Starbucks in the student union! So, If you are ever on campus, stop in and say hi! Some of my interests include reading romance books and watching Netflix. My favorite shows are the 100, The Originals, Grey’s Anatomy, Criminal Minds, Pretty Little Liars, and Scandal. I enjoy so much more though. I also enjoy various competition shows like Survivor, Big Brother, The Challenge, and The Traitors. I also have a guilty pleasure for watching love is blind. My favorite color is forest green, and I prefer cats over dogs. Fun Fact I am 19 and I still don’t have my driver’s license.