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Make Your Solo Valentine’s Day the Best One Yet— 3 Ways to Treat Yourself on the Day of Love

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

Two words that either make your stomach fill up with butterflies or turn upside down: valentine’s day.

While most people can agree that Valentine’s Day is generally a “cute” holiday, with pink scarf-wearing teddy bears and little heart-shaped candies that have “U R so sweet!” scribbled across them, there’s a certain bitterness that the other half of the population feels around this time of year. No matter if you were dumped on Valentine’s Day, a few years ago, or you just broke up with your partner, sometimes the annual holiday makes us feel more sick to our stomach than excited and jittery.

This year, we’re trading in our heartbreak for self-love on February 14th. If you are spending the holiday alone, no matter what your circumstance is, find peace in being your own Valentine. There are so many different ways you can take care of yourself this Valentine’s day (and everyday, for that matter), but I’m going to give you 3 tips for being your own bae this year. Try all of them or only one, your choice — but give yourself a chance to have the best Valentine’s day yet.

1. Plan your day out

For me, this part is an essential. Even if I am spending the day alone, I love planning out what I want to do and/or errands I have to run. The same way you would plan out a day with your best friend or partner, plan out your Valentine’s day in a way that would make you feel whole and happy. Whether it means waking up at 8 a.m. and grabbing a coffee from your local coffee shop or sleeping in until noon and having a slow morning, then let it happen!

Since Valentine’s day is a once-a-year occurrence, try incorporating things into your day that are special to you and you don’t do on a regular basis. Haven’t taken a long, hot bath in months? Do that! Want to go shopping and buy yourself those shoes you’ve had your eye on for weeks? Go for it. No matter what it is, give yourself the freedom (and encouragement!) to do what makes you happy.

2. Do your full morning/night routines

If you’re like me, you probably do your full morning and night routines once a week (if that). If you have a go-to skincare or beauty routine that you wish you did more but don’t, take advantage of Valentine’s day and give yourself a reason to show yourself some extra TLC.

Get ready for your day by washing your face, applying your favorite moisturizers/oils/serums/creams, doing your hair and/or makeup, and then finish off the night by unwinding with your favorite tea, book, makeup remover, and essential oils. Whatever feels good to you, do that!

3. Spoil yourself!

One very important aspect of Valentine’s day is gift-giving. I personally believe that this is one of the biggest reasons why people tend to feel bitter around this time of year. With all of the marketing that goes into this holiday, it isn’t hard to feel left out and lonely.

Luckily, there’s an easy solution to this, and you don’t have to be a millionaire to make it happen. Whatever it may be that you would want your partner to gift you for Valentine’s day, get it for yourself (if you have the means, of course). Would you love a dainty necklace from your favorite boutique? Or how about a box of your favorite assorted chocolates? Maybe a bouquet of roses? All of these you can buy for yourself. If you’re trying to cut down on spending, try going to your local dollar store and make yourself a basket full of little goodies. You can get as creative as you want with it!

There’s an old saying that goes, “if you can’t love yourself, you can’t love anyone else”. I believe this to be true. There is no way for us to give any love that we do not have. Therefore, it’s our responsibility to show ourselves the love and admiration that we know we deserve and desire. There are so many ways to do this on a daily basis, but give yourself the opportunity to be your own Valentine’s, even if it is just for this year.

Alexis is Co-President of Her Campus at BGSU and a third-year senior studying Marketing. Her passions include graphic/digital design, her spirituality, content creation, pasta, writing, and inspiring other women. She enjoys writing about womanhood, college lifestyle, wellness, and relationships. She also has her own blog, her glow, that she started in 2021 and has been working on building ever since.