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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

Sometimes being single can get lonely, so I like to find the humor in it. Here are 6 hilarious reasons why I’m single!

I spend way too much money on hot fries and dr. pepper

What can I say? A girl needs her snacks.

My hair is a different color every week

In January, I dyed the under-half of my hair and I’ve been changing the color of it VERY frequently. It’s been purple, red, maroon, an interesting green, and now blue. My mom says “no boy will ever remember if he’s dated you or not” because my hair is different so often. Oh well.

Sometimes i turn on music knowing its going to make me spiral

LOOK. Sometimes I just need a good cry, and I think that is just a part of girlhood. It’s always Taylor Swift or Phoebe Bridgers, no one else is acceptable to me.

I like to drive so every man has to be a passenger princess

I have control issues…

I’m always right

One time, an ex-boyfriend said to me, “Delaney, you are never wrong” (in the middle of a fight, LOL) … He was right. I can’t recall a single time in my life where I didn’t have at least ONE valid point.

i’m known to hit a curb or two while driving

It’s not my fault! They like to jump out and surprise me, and I’m just a girl.

Delaney Mullen

Bowling Green '26

I am a sophomore studying Family Consumer Science Education at BGSU. I spend my free time listening to music, baking, reading, and hanging out with friends. I love all things Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, and Phoebe Bridgers!