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Maryellen Hearn ’11

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowdoin chapter.

Her Campus Bowdoin’s first girl campus cutie ever! Keep those nominations coming

Maryellen Hearn ’11

Major: Environmental Studies and Music

Hometown: Plymouth, MN

Relationship status: single

Favorite rainy day song: anything a) on the Coldplay album “Parachutes”, b) by Ella Fitgerald, c) sung by someone I know

Most attracted to someone that is: Honest, confident, motivated, means well, and puts his actions where his mouth is.

Favorite sundae bar topping: peanut butter sauce

Best gift you’ve ever gotten: a surprise. I love surprises. The actual gift can be pretty much anything.

If you could receive a postcard from anywhere right now: Germany

Do you have any pets: two cats – Max and Rocky

Luckiest item of clothing: black tank maybe…

Best song to sing in the shower: Longest Time by Billy Joel – although it is also an awesome song to sing with people, who generally are not in the shower with you…

Favorite professor at Bowdoin: Collin Roesler. She’s great and I know of others who would agree.
Childhood show that you still watch: ha. the Dick Van Dyke Show.

Favorite quote: A story starts when a beginning is chosen. – Steven Feld (That’s my favorite for now. It shifts depending on time of life…)

Joanna Buffum is a senior English major and Anthropology minor at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine.  She is from Morristown, NJ and in the summer of 2009 she was an advertising intern for OK! Magazine and the editorial blog intern for Zagat Survey in New York City. This past summer she was an editorial intern for MTV World's music website called MTV Iggy, writing fun things like album and concert reviews for bands you have never heard of before. Her favorite books are basically anything involving fantasy fiction, especially the Harry Potter series and “Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell” by Susanna Clarke. In her free time she enjoys snowboarding, playing intramural field hockey, watching House MD, and making paninis. In the spring of 2010 she studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark, and she misses the friendly, tall, and unusually attractive Danish people more than she can say. After college, she plans on pursuing a career in writing, but it can be anywhere from television script writing, to magazine journalism, to book publishing.