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What Qualifies as a Bikini Body?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.
Swimsuit season is upon us! Are you feeling the pressure yet? Isn’t it about time you start working on that “beach bod”? Isn’t it time to refer to the handy “Work Out” Pinterest board you haven’t visited in a while?
Maybe, yes.
If you want to start working out or eating healthy, or if you do so already, that’s awesome! Everyone knows that regular exercise and eating right are great habits for the body, mind, and spirit: to help you push through the “finals grind” as well as just maintain overall bodily health. If you have specific goals in mind (run a marathon!) or feel better when you are working out consistently (hello, endorphins!), definitely do it! Even if you haven’t visited the Rec since October, the beachy weather may give you the extra push you need to get in a fitness routine. It may take a little time to work up the self-discipline you need… but you’ll get there :).
Youtub-ing workout videos is a great way to get started if you just feel like doing a workout in the comfort of your own home. Jillian Michaels is MY go-to:
Give yourself time to work up both your strength and endurance to avoid injury and maintain healthy exercise habits. Also, get plenty of rest and hydrate cosntantly. 
Ehhh… Lacking Motivation?
Don’t surround yourself with pictures of “thinspos” or “thinspirations”. This includes flipping through your Victoria’s Secret magazines hoping, by some miracle, you can absorb the “skinny” through osmosis. We’ve all heard it a million times, but it is true: typically, the women in these photos don’t even look that way in reality.
For example, can you spot what is not quite right in these fashion posters
Bikini models, and anyone else, for that matter, can’t be YOUR individual standard. Even if you feel like those inspirations help you stay motivated, I would encourage you to find that motivation from somewhere else: a place that guarantees an end goal of you feeling good in your own body. 
How do I get there?
Place post-it “inspirational quote” notes on your bathroom mirror or make a glitter-bombed graph, mapping your goals and the route you will take to a healthier, happier you! The important thing is to focus on self-improvement, self-satisfaction, and personal happiness in the long term.
Or, maybe… no.
Maybe you are not remotely interested in working out or changing your eating habits just because it is freaking spring time. That’s awesome too! Maybe you don’t even want to wear a bikini! Rock your one-piece. Wear your shorts. Do it. If that is you feeling good in your body, then that is fantastic. Furthermore, if you are uncomfortable going to the gym, there are lots of alternative pathways to a healthy lifestyle that you can pursue. The key is to find what’s best for you.
The same rules still apply: don’t let body image pressure get you down. It’s easy to focus on one particular body part or area that’s not as “perfect” as you wish it could be. As much as possible, try and let these thoughts go. Whenever you encounter negative feelings about your body, go check out the “Body Image” page on Tumblr, or search #bodypositive and #selflove to support you in maintaining a healthy body image. Remind yourself constantly of all the amazing things your body does every single day. Stop worrying about that tiny zit that sprang up and focus on everything else about you which is so beautiful. If our culture’s standards make everyone a critic, then we must at least be on our own team, right?
What’s the take away?
Think about what you can do to feel better about your body. So many aspects of our daily lives can lead to an unhealthy self image, from interactions with our friends to media exposure. However, it is far better to focus on positive changes YOU can make than things that are beyond your control. Try taking baby steps, like sleeping more, eating better, relying less on caffeine, buying clothes that fit right, etc., to improve your overall health and well-being. 
Believe it or not, the best way to get a “bikini body” is to… put a bikini… on your body. And love it! I don’t know about you, but I want my next season to be about enjoying the beach, NOT worrying how I look in my swimsuit.
Interested in the conversation? Check out some of these popular articles on the topic: 
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Kara Stefani

Boise State

Hey there!   My name is Kara Stefani and I am in my third year of college, majoring in Psychology from Boise State University as well as minoring in Sociology, Family Studies, and Dance.  I currently work at the Women's Center on campus (not affiliated with HerCampus) as a Healthy Relationships Peer Educator, and enjoy it thoroughly.  I'm involved on campus as Vice President of the Psi Chi Honor Society as well as an active member of the Boise State University Secular Alliance.  Recently I have joined an organization called The Representation Project, and hope to encourage the representation of women as dynamic, leadership characters in the media.  This message is important to me, as I believe the future begins with our understanding of reality from a young age; what impacts young people more than the constant bombarding media?  On that note, EVERYONE fo EVERY age should go see Frozen. (:   As a writer for Boise State's HerCampus chapter, I hope to gain writing experience, as well as be a part of a fun team promoting involvement and community here at Boise State!   This is just a bit of what I am passionate about!  Don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions, ideas for an article, or comments about my work.Thanks and enjoy!-Kara Stefani (:
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Katie Meikle

Boise State

Katie Meikle, also known as Meeks, Meikle or Pumpkin, is a junior and transfer student from Tufts University in Boston, currently studying health sciences at Boise State. Although a Boise native, Katie spent her entire high school career overseas, split between Japan and Taiwan. Katie's writing interests include fashion, healthy eating, mixology, and campus cuties... of course! She loves the great outdoors, traveling, her two dogs, Lexi and Hobbs, days at the beach, walks on sunny days, and her mom's cooking. Favorite quote: don't be a drag, just be a queen.