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Never Have I Ever…Let Go of a Toxic Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

We all know that friendship is one of the most important experiences in life. We want to support each other and be there for each other…but sometimes, we don’t get as much as we give. Sometimes we end up giving so much that we don’t have anything left for ourselves, and that’s not okay. What is okay is letting go–sometimes we grow away from people, and that’s okay.

Sometimes our friendships are bad for us, and one of you shared your story, and now we want to share it with everyone else.


“Moving away from home was the best decision that I have ever made. It was scary and exciting all in one. Yet, I couldn’t be happier. I was getting away from a friendship that was toxic. She was toxic and if I was going to stay any longer, she would have brought me down with her. Everything she did and said brought flames with her, threatening to destroy anything in her path. Her lies, her subtle rude comments, her actions all whittled me down to a shell of a person. Quite frankly, I didn’t even recognize myself. I was free from the lying. The lying to my parents. The lying to my other friends. Most importantly I was done lying to myself. I was done lying that friendships could last forever. I was done telling myself that I had good judgement of people’s character because I obviously had not judged that situation well. I was free in making new friendships, ones where they wouldn’t take me down in their suffering. Friendships where we could support each other and help each other out in our times of need. These friendships taught me what it was to be a good friend. I owe these people so much. Freeing myself of that toxic relationship allowed me to feel human again. It allowed me to release the weight on my shoulders that i had been carrying for far too long.”